
elastic-phenix-operator is a kubernetes operator to manage elasticsearch resources: Indices, Templates, ...

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Elasticsearch Phenix Operator

Go Report Card Release Docker License


Elasticsearch Phenix Operator is a kubernetes operator to manage elasticsearch Indices and Templates lifecycle.

Supported Elasticsearch versions are:

  • Elasticsearch 8+
  • Elasticsearch 7+
  • Elasticsearch 6+

See the Quickstart to get started with Elasticsearch Phenix Operator.



  • Manage Elasticsearch indices and templates lifecycle: create, update and delete
  • Create new indices/templates, or manage existing indices/templates. In case of existing indices/templates, the ElasticIndex/ElasticTemplate object definition should be compatible with existing index / template, otherwise you will get a kubernetes object created with Error status
  • One instance of the operator can manage indices and templates on different elasticsearch servers
  • Elasticsearch server URI is provided from a secret when you create ElasticIndex and ElasticTemplate objects
  • Manage indices and templates uniqueness inside kubernetes
  • A ValidatingWebhook is implemented to validate ElasticIndex and ElasticTemplate objects

Kubernetes Domain, Group and Kinds

Domain: carrefour.com

Group: elastic

Kinds: two kinds are available

  • ElasticIndex: manage elasticsearch indices lifecycle create, update and delete
  • ElasticTemplate: manage elasticsearch templates lifecycle create, update and delete

Quick Start

Creating a kubernetes cluster

You can use kind to run a kubernetes cluster in your machine. For more information: https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/

Create a cluster:

kind create cluster --image=kindest/node:v1.17.0

Install prerequisites

Cert-manager is needed to handle TLS certificate for admission webhook servers. You need cert-manager version v1.0.0 or above. For more information: https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/

To install cert-manager:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.1.1/cert-manager.yaml

You should wait until the cert-manager becomes in running state:

kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=-1s --all pods -n cert-manager

You can use ECK (Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes) to create an elasticsearch cluster in kubernetes. For more information: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/cloud-on-k8s/master/k8s-overview.html

To install ECK:

kubectl apply -f https://download.elastic.co/downloads/eck/1.3.0/all-in-one.yaml

You should wait until the ECK operator becomes in running state:

kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=-1s --all pods -n elastic-system

Creating an elasticsearch cluster

You can create a single node Elasticsearch cluster:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n elastic-system -f -
apiVersion: elasticsearch.k8s.elastic.co/v1
kind: Elasticsearch
  name: elastic-system
  version: 7.9.2
  - name: default
    count: 1
      node.master: true
      node.data: true
      node.ingest: true
      node.store.allow_mmap: false
          username: anonymous_user
          roles: superuser
          authz_exception: false
        type: ClusterIP
        disabled: true
          - dns: localhost,

You should wait until the elasticsearch cluster becomes in running state:

kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=-1s --all pods -n elastic-system

Install Elasticsearch Phenix Operator

To install Elasticsearch Phenix Operator (EPO):

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Carrefour-Group/elastic-phenix-operator/v1.2.0/manifests/epo-all-in-one.yaml

You should wait until Elasticsearch Phenix Operator becomes in running state:

kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=-1s --all pods -n elastic-phenix-operator-system

To access logs for deployment:

kubectl logs deployment/elastic-phenix-operator-controller-manager -c manager -n elastic-phenix-operator-system

Creating a secret for connection URL

You can find samples located at config/samples.

Before creating an ElasticIndex or an ElasticTemplate, you should create a secret containing elasticsearch uri that respects this pattern: <scheme>://<user>:<password>@<hostname>:<port> e.g. http://localhost:9200, https://elastic:pass@myshost:9200

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n elastic-phenix-operator-system -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: elasticsearch-cluster-secret
  namespace: elastic-phenix-operator-system
type: Opaque
  uri: http://elastic-system-es-http.elastic-system.svc:9200

Creating an elasticindex

When creating an ElasticIndex, you should reference the elasticsearch server URI from the secret created before: /!\ Secret should be in the same namespace, otherwise you will get an error /!\

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n elastic-phenix-operator-system -f -
apiVersion: elastic.carrefour.com/v1alpha1
kind: ElasticIndex
  name: product-index
  namespace: elastic-phenix-operator-system
  indexName: product
      name: elasticsearch-cluster-secret
      key: uri
  numberOfShards: 6
  numberOfReplicas: 1
  model: |-
      "settings": {
        "index.codec": "best_compression"
      "mappings": {
        "_source": {
          "enabled": true
        "dynamic": false,
        "properties": {
          "barcode": {
            "type": "keyword",
            "index": true
          "description": {
            "type": "text",
            "index": true

Creating an elastictemplate

When creating an ElasticTemplate, you should reference the elasticsearch server URI from the secret created before: /!\ Secret should be in the same namespace, otherwise you will get an error /!\

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n elastic-phenix-operator-system -f -
apiVersion: elastic.carrefour.com/v1alpha1
kind: ElasticTemplate
  name: invoice-template
  namespace: elastic-phenix-operator-system
  templateName: invoice
      name: elasticsearch-cluster-secret
      key: uri
  numberOfShards: 5
  numberOfReplicas: 1
  order: 1
  model: |-
      "index_patterns": ["invoice*"],
      "settings": {
        "index.codec": "best_compression"
      "mappings": {
        "_source": {
          "enabled": true
        "properties": {
          "key": {
            "type": "keyword",
            "index": true
          "content": {
            "type": "text",
            "index": true

Get created objects and debugging

To get created object, you can use kubectl cli:

> kubectl get elasticindex -n elastic-phenix-operator-system

product-index   product      6        1          Created   24m
city-index      city         4        3          Error     21m

> kubectl get elastictemplate -n elastic-phenix-operator-system

invoice-template    invoice         5        3          Created   9m

You can also check indices and templates in elasticsearch cluster:

kubectl exec -it pod/elastic-system-es-default-0 -n elastic-system -- curl "localhost:9200/_cat/indices/product?v"
kubectl exec -it pod/elastic-system-es-default-0 -n elastic-system -- curl "localhost:9200/_cat/templates/invoice?v"

The STATUS column indicates whether index/template was created successfully in elasticsearch server. Possible values:

  • Created: when index/template was created successfully in elasticsearch server
  • Error, Retry: when error has occurred during creating or updating an elasticindex/elastictemplate

When you have an elasticindex/elastictemplate with Error or Retry status, use kubectl describe to get more details:

> kubectl describe elasticindex/city-index -n elastic-phenix-operator-system

Name:         city-index
Namespace:    elastic-phenix-operator-system
Annotations:  API Version:  elastic.carrefour.com/v1alpha1
Kind:         ElasticIndex
  Http Code Status:  400
  Message:           [400 Bad Request] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters:  [dynamicc : false]"}],"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Failed to parse mapping: Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters:  [dynamicc : false]","caused_by":{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters:  [dynamicc : false]"}},"status":400}
  Status:            Error

Deleting elasticindex, elastictemplate with annotation

When you delete an ElasticIndex/ElasticTemplate kubernetes object, the index/template in elasticsearch cluster will remain existing.

kubectl delete elastictemplate/invoice-template -n elastic-phenix-operator-system
kubectl delete elasticindex/product-index -n elastic-phenix-operator-system

If you want to delete the index/template in elasticsearch cluster too, you should add the annotation carrefour.com/delete-in-cluster=true to your kubernetes object.

kubectl annotate elastictemplate/invoice-template carrefour.com/delete-in-cluster=true -n elastic-phenix-operator-system
kubectl annotate elasticindex/product-index carrefour.com/delete-in-cluster=true -n elastic-phenix-operator-system

Now, when you delete your ElasticIndex/ElasticTemplate kubernetes object, elasticsearch index/template will be deleted too from elasticsearch cluster.

/!\ For indices deletion, you will lose indices data in elasticsearch cluster /!\



Operator arguments

You can customise Elasticsearch Phenix Operator behavior using these manager arguments:

  • namespaces: create a cache on namespaces and watch only these namespace (defaults to all namespaces)
  • namespaces-regex-filter: watch all namespaces and filter before reconciliation process (defaults to no filter applied)

Release artifacts

When releasing Elasticsearch Phenix Operator, two artifacts are generated:

  • a docker image containing elastic-phenix-operator manager embedding ElasticIndex and ElasticTemplate controllers. All docker images are published in docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/carrefourphx/elastic-phenix-operator
  • an all-in-one kubernetes manifest file located at manifest/epo-all-in-one.yaml that defines all kubernetes objects needed to install and run the Elasticsearch Phenix Operator: CustoResourceDefinition, Namespace, Deployment, Service, MutatingWebhookConfiguration, ValidatingWebhookConfiguration, Role, ClusterRole, RoleBinding, ClusterRoleBinding, Certificate


ElasticIndex and ElasticTemplate kubernetes objects creation goes through two steps of validation: syntactic validation and semantic validation

Syntactic validation

A syntactic validation is defined in CustomResourceDefinition (section openAPIV3Schema).

These rules are defined:

  • indexName and templateName fields are mandatory, and value should respect regex ^[a-z0-9-_\.]+$
  • numberOfShards field is mandatory, and value should be between 1 and 500
  • numberOfReplicas field is mandatory, and value should be between 1 and 3
  • model field is mandatory
  • elasticURI field is mandatory

Semantic validation

A semantic validation is defined in a kubernetes ValidatingWebhook.

Multiple rules are implemented for different actions: create, update or delete

on creation

  • model field content is a valid json
  • ElasticIndex model json root content contains at most aliases, mappings, settings
  • ElasticTemplate model json root content contains at most aliases, mappings, settings, index_patterns, version
  • ElasticTemplate model field contains the mandatory field index_patterns
  • elasticURI secret should exist on the same ElasticIndex/ElasticTemplate namespace
  • elasticURI secret should respect this pattern: <scheme>://<user>:<password>@<hostname>:<port> e.g. http://localhost:9200, https://elastic:pass@myshost:9200
  • manage index and template uniqueness: you cannot create the same elasticsearch index/template (indexName/templateName field) on different kubernetes ElasticIndex/ElasticTemplate objects when you specify the same elasticsearch host:port in elasticURI secret

on update

ElasticIndex: you cannot update

  • indexName field
  • numberOfShards field
  • model settings (only numberOfReplicas update is allowed)

ElasticTemplate: you cannot update

  • templateName field
  • model field if new model content is not a valid json

For both ElasticIndex/ElasticTemplate when updating elasticURI secret:

  • it should exist on the same ElasticIndex/ElasticTemplate namespace
  • it should respect this pattern: <scheme>://<user>:<password>@<hostname>:<port> e.g. http://localhost:9200, https://elastic:pass@myshost:9200
  • you cannot update elasticsearch host:port, only user and/or password can be updated in elasticURI content

on delete

  • elasticURI secret should exists on the same ElasticIndex/ElasticTemplate namespace


A MutatingWebhook is implemented to initialize numberOfShards and numberOfReplicas settings fields, from fields numberOfShards and numberOfReplicas of an ElasticIndex/ElasticTemplate.

If user has defined numberOfShards or/and numberOfReplicas in settings in model field, these values will be overridden by numberOfShards and numberOfReplicas fields in the ElasticIndex/ElasticTemplate defintion.

For this ElasticIndex defintion:

apiVersion: elastic.carrefour.com/v1alpha1
kind: ElasticIndex
  name: product-index
  indexName: product
      name: elasticsearch-cluster-secret
      key: uri
  numberOfShards: 6
  numberOfReplicas: 1
  model: |-
      "settings": {
        "numberOfReplicas": 3
      "mappings": {
        "_source": {
          "enabled": true
        "dynamic": false,
        "properties": {
          "barcode": {
            "type": "keyword",
            "index": true
          "description": {
            "type": "text",
            "index": true

=> The result of mutation step will be:

apiVersion: elastic.carrefour.com/v1alpha1
kind: ElasticIndex
  name: product-index
  indexName: product
      name: elasticsearch-cluster-secret
      key: uri
  numberOfShards: 6
  numberOfReplicas: 1
  model: |-
      "settings": {
        "numberOfReplicas": 1
        "numberOfShards": 6
      "mappings": {
        "_source": {
          "enabled": true
        "dynamic": false,
        "properties": {
          "barcode": {
            "type": "keyword",
            "index": true
          "description": {
            "type": "text",
            "index": true

Add new kind to Elasticsearch Phenix Operator

This operator was generated using kubebuilder 2.3.1. For more details about kubebuiler: https://book.kubebuilder.io/

Let's say that you want to add a new Kind to manage elasticsearch pipelines: ElasticPipeline

You should run these commands:

kubebuilder create api --group elastic --version v1alpha1 --kind ElasticPipeline

kubebuilder create webhook --group elastic --version v1alpha1 --kind ElasticPipeline --defaulting