
Some convenience commands for git.


Some convenience commands for git. The behavior of each alias is described below.

git glog2 - graphical tree log showing branches and commits in an ascii-art diagram. This is a modified version of git glog and similar aliases.

git ln - (pronounced "git natural log") - Similar to built-in git log, but shows recent commits on a single line, with time-ago info and short commit id. Example output:

$ git ln
22 minutes ago  | 105f9ed optimize code by YourUserName @ Sat May 16 22:35:01 2015
14 hours ago    | 901c780 refactor by Bob @ Sat May 16 08:35:22 2015
17 hours ago    | 15a3bee security fix by Alice @ Sat May 16 05:35:18 2015
18 hours ago    | 3da1592 security patch by Eve @ Sat May 16 04:35:40 2015
2 days ago      | 160aca5 rebase everything by Mallory @ Thu May 14 12:52:39 2015
5 days ago      | f1b2482 add ui by YourUserName @ Mon May 11 10:17:28 2015

git ln --max-count=n - Same as git ln, but shows exactly n commits.

git whatis <branch or head pointer> - Shows you the commit id of a branch or head pointer. Use git whatis HEAD to display the commit id of where you are right now. Use git whatis master to display the commit id of the master branch.

$ git whatis HEAD
$ git whatis FETCH_HEAD
$ git whatis master
$ git whatis new-branch-1

git last - Similar to git ln, but shows only the most recent commit.

git branch-remembers - Lists all branches that "remember" the current commit, HEAD. Doesn't take arguments.

git remote-remembers - Lists all remote branches that "remember" the current commit, HEAD. Doesn't take arguments.

git mirage <filename> - If you've already commited a file and no longer want to track changes to it, use git mirage <some file> to exclude it from future commits.

git reveal <filename> - Reveals a file that was hidden by git mirage.

git ds - Shows the difference between the last commit on your branch, and what you have staged (the green files and dirs, not the red ones).

git dh - Shows the difference between the last commit on your branch, and your entire working directory.

git dl2 - Shows the difference between the last 2 commits you made.

git stat - Same as built-in git status, but is 2 characters shorter.