
A template for holding the API Design session

Primary LanguageJava

Project setup

You have 2 options to get the project.

  1. Generate a new project from scratch:

      1. Create a new project at https://start.spring.io/ with these parameters
      • a. Maven project
      • b. Language: Java
      • c. Spring boot: 2.6.4
      • d. Group: com.rest
      • e. Artifact: factoria
      • g. Name: factoria
      • h. Description: Demo REST project for Spring Boot
      • i: Packaging: Jar
      • j: Java: 11
      • k: Dependencies: Spring Web
    1. Click on Generate and open it in IntelliJ
  2. Clone the repo from https://github.com/Factoria-F5-Git/ApiDesign

Guided exercise

  1. Add a AddController in the namespace com.rest.factoria.controllers
    1. Add the following imports
      import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
      import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
      import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
    2. Add the following annotation to the AddController class
      public class AddController {
    3. Create a GET method Hello
      public String Hello(){
         return "Hello";
    4. Open PostMan and run a Get Request http://localhost:8765/hello verifying that it returns Hello

Unguided exercise

  1. Extend the Hello endpoint in the AddController class to accept a parameter name. The call to http://localhost:8765/hello?name=James will have to return Hello James
  2. Create a new GET endpoint named total in the AddController class.
    1. It will have to return the value of a totalValue static int variable that you will have to define within the AddController class. Initialize it to 1.
    2. Make sure the http://localhost:8765/total returns 1 via Postman
  3. Create a new POST endpoint add using the @PostMapping("add") annotation.
    1. Make it accept a valueToAdd parameter of type int.
    2. Add valueToAdd to total
    3. Using Postman make a POST request to http://localhost:8765/add setting the Body parameter valueToAdd to 2.
    4. Make sure the http://localhost:8765/total returns 3 via Postman