
Get available WIFIs from Linux using .NET (wrapper of the native iwlib.c)

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This library allows you to connect WIFI on Linux (wrap commands like wpa_cli of wpa_supplicant) - Retrieve available WIFIs for dotnet app hosted on Linux. - Connect to selected WIFI


You need to connect WIFI to you server app using a client app, connected via Bluetooth.

  • Server app running on a Raspberry Pi (Debian) (with or without UI)
  • Client app running on mobile / device
  • Both use Bluetooth (see my other repository "Bluetooth.Linux" to advertise BLE from Linux)
  • Once connected, client ask host for Wifis list
  • Host return Wifis
  • Client select Wifi and send info to host
  • Host initiate connection (ask for password, connect and reboot)


(Bluetooth.Linux) - Initialize BLE

(Bluetooth.Linux) - (Linux) Advertise BLE

(Bluetooth.Linux) - (client) Scan BLE

(Bluetooth.Linux) - (client) Connect BLE

(Bluetooth.Linux) - (client) Connected - Send data to ignite action (ask for Wifis)

(Bluetooth.Linux) - (Linux) Connected - Received data, telling what to do

(Wifi.Linux) - (Linux) Retrieve Wifis list and send it back to client

(Wifi.Linux) - (client) Choose a ESSID

(Wifi.Linux) - (Linux) Receive choosen ESSID

(Wifi.Linux) - (Linux) Connect to selected WIFI


// Define targeted interface
Wpa wpa = new Wpa("wlan0");
// Retrieve available WIFIs
var wifis = await wpa.ScanAsync();
// Set targeted SSID
if (await wpa.SetAsync(selectedWifi.Ssid))
    // Try enable using provided password
    if (await wpa.TryEnableAsync("0123456789"))
	// Save config and reboot host
        await wpa.SaveAndRebootAsync();