
A simple UITableViewController for custom drag to refresh actions and views

Primary LanguageObjective-C


A simple UITableViewController for custom drag to refresh actions and views

To Implement:

  • Subclass CATableViewController
  • Create your own header view and add it to the table
  • Implement the 4 methods in the header of CATableViewController
  • Update your header view accordingly!

Notes on methods:

  • (void) tableViewDidTriggerRefresh:(UITableView *)tableView;

    • Called when the user has pulled down past displacementUntilRefreshDone and released
    • This should trigger a data refresh (or some action) and update the header view to let them know
  • (void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willTriggerRefresh:(BOOL)willRefresh;

    • Called when the user has pulled down past displacementUntilRefreshDone or pushed back up past displacementUntilRefreshDone
    • willRefresh will be true if we're going to refresh on release (maybe have header say "release to refresh")
    • willRefresh will be false if we're not going to refresh on release (header -> "pull to refresh")
  • (BOOL) tableViewRefreshingData:(UITableView *)tableView;

    • Return true if you're still refreshing data
  • (void) tableViewFinishedRefreshingData:(UITableView *)tableView

    • Call this when you're done refreshing the data, this will hide the header view
    • Be sure to call [super tableViewFinishedRefreshingData:] so CATableViewController can hide the header