
A simple vue class wrapper that tries to fix limitations that https://github.com/vuejs/vue-class-component and https://github.com/kaorun343/vue-property-decorator have

Primary LanguageJavaScript


For Vue 3.

Functional difference from v2

  • Default prop value with field init syntax won't work, use prop option instead.
// @Prop() readonly prop = 'default prop'; // Doesn't work
@Prop({ default: 'default prop' }) prop: string; // Works
  • For @Ref that maps an array ( i.e. ref used in v-for ), declare ref="xxx" in template as :ref="x => xxxRefFn(index, x)"
@Ref() divs: HTMLDivElement[];
<div v-for="(item, index) of [1, 2, 3]"
     :ref="x => divsRefFn(index, x)"></div>
  • Lifecycle hook beforeDestroy and destroyed are deprecated to follow the change of Vue 3, but they are still supported and are treated as the alias of beforeUnmount and unmounted.

All other functions stay the same.


import { Component, VueComponentBase } from 'vue-component-base';

@Component() // Parens are required
export default class MyComponent extends VueComponentBase { // NOT `extends Vue`. Note `extends MyBaseComponent` works
  @Prop({ default: 'default prop' }) readonly prop: string; // https://github.com/kaorun343/vue-property-decorator#Prop

  @Ref() readonly div: HTMLDivElement; // $refs.div

  @Inject() inject readonly: Something; // inject

  foo = ''; // Normal property
  arrowFn = () => this.foo = 456; // Arrow function property

  undefinedValue = undefined; // Different from https://github.com/vuejs/vue-class-component#undefined-will-not-be-reactive, this is reactive

  undefinedValue2; // This is NOT reactive, TypeScript won't generate code for fields that have no init value. ( while babel and the standard do )

  @Inreactive // It's not reactive, useful for constant values
  readonly MY_CONSTANT = 'some constants';

  setup(props: Record<string, any>, ctx: SetupContext) {} // setup function, you cannot use this in it

  mounted() {} // Lifecycle hook with intellisense

  doSomeAction() {} // Normal method

  @Hook('mounted') // Another Lifecycle hook
  fetchData() {} // Accepted as a normal method too

  @Watch('field') // https://github.com/kaorun343/vue-property-decorator#-watchpath-string-options-watchoptions---decorator
  onFieldChange(val: string, oldVal: string) {}

  get computedVar() { // Computed properties
    return 'field: ' + this.field;
