
A simulation of the ad-hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocal for wireless networks in MATLAB.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Note: I do not maintain this repository any more. I'm intrigued that there has been even a modest amount of interest in it. But let's be honest here; I made this for a class project in university. It was just to get a grade. I work in a different field of programming now that does not involve routing algorithms, and I'm not even sure I remember how this code worked. If you find this project interesting, feel free to fork it and fix/modify/improve it. I will not be accepting issues, pull requests, or inquiries of any kind. Sincerest apologies, but I hope you understand.


A simulation of the ad-hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol for wireless networks in MATLAB.


  • MATLAB r2017b (may or may not work in newer versions; has only been tested in 2017b)


Change to this repository's directory in MATLAB. Call the script main.

Advanced Usage

Simulate traffic through the network. Call generateTraffic(packets) to send the specified number of random packets through the network. Call generateTraffic(packets,movement) to provide a movement interval for the packets.

To analyze simulated traffic, store the output and supply it to a chosen analysis function. Each plots and returns a reference to a figure displaying the info.

stats = generateTraffic(packets,movement);


Simple route request/reply

Route request with reply from intermediate nodes

Route error and renegotiation

Multiple route errors and renegotiations


Stuart Miller