This is a small python library to work with quadkeys in a fast way
pip install git+
python -m pip install .
import quadkey
print(quadkey.lonlat2quadint(-73.969558715820312, 40.757678985595703)
The fast technique for quadkey encodig/decoding is taken from
xy2quadint(x, y)
- Input: (uint32) x, y coordinates based on WebMercator in the range [0,2^31)
- Output: (uint64) quadint value
xy2webmercator(x, y)
- Input: (uint32) x, y coordinates based on WebMercator in the range [0,2^31)
- Output: (double) web mercator coordinates (SRID 3857)
- Input: (uint64) quadint value
- Output: (double) web mercator coordinates (SRID 3857)
- Input: (uint64) quadint value
- Output: (uint32) x, y coordinates based on WebMercator in the range [0,2^31)
lonlat2quadint(lon, lat)
- Input: (double) longitude, latitude in WGS84 (SRID 4326) coordinates in degrees
- Output: (uint64) quadint value
lonlat2xy(lon, lat)
- Input: (double) longitude, latitude in WGS84 (SRID 4326) coordinates in degrees
- Output: (uint32) x, y coordinates based on WebMercator in the range [0,2^31)
lonlat2quadintxy(lon, lat)
- Input: (double) longitude, latitude in WGS84 (SRID 4326) coordinates in degrees
- Output: (uint64) quadint value
- Output: (uint32) x, y coordinates based on WebMercator in the range [0,2^31)
webmercator2quadint(x, y)
- Input: (double) web mercator coordinates (SRID 3857)
- Output: (uint64) quadint value
webmercator2xy(x, y)
- Input: (double) web mercator coordinates (SRID 3857)
- Output: (uint32) x, y coordinates based on WebMercator in the range [0,2^31)
tile2range(quadint, zoom)
- Input: quadint value and zoom level
- Output: minimum and maximum quadint values
tile2bbox(quadint, zoom)
- Input: quadint value and zoom level
- Output: bounding box defined by minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude and maximum latitude (WGS84)
tile2bbox_webmercator(quadint, zoom)
- Input: quadint value and zoom level
- Output: bounding box defined by minimum x, minimum y, maximum x, maximum y (Web Mercator)
tile_center(quadint, zoom)
- Input: quadint value and zoom level
- Output: longitude and latitude of the tile center (WGS84)
tile_center_webmercator(quadint, zoom)
- Input: quadint value and zoom level
- Output: longitude and latitude of the tile center (Webmercator)
tile_children(quadint, zoom)
- Input: quadint value and zoom level
- Output: quadint values of the 4 children of the tile of level zoom+1
- Input: zoom level
- Output: quadint mask to select tiles of the level (with bitwise AND)
- Input: zoom level
- Output: quadint mask to select the significant bits from a zoom level (with bitwise AND)
xyz2quadint(x, y, zoom)
- Input: x, y, z coordinates of the tile
- Output: quadint value of the tile
tile2xyz(quadint, zoom)
- Input: quadint value and zoom level
- Output: x, y, z of the tile
given a maximum tile zoom level.
tiles_intersecting_webmercator_box(max_zoom, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)