
ADD tag test case sexed and unsexed.

Craig44 opened this issue · 4 comments

Simulate data for this comparison

This has been validated in the following CCAMLR publication. There is an example Casal2 configuration file in TestModels for both sexed and unsexed.

Dunn, A.; Grüss, A.; Devine, J.A.; Miller, C.; Ziegler, P.; Maschette, D.; Earl, T.; Darby, C.; Massiot-Granier, F. (2022). Integrated toothfish stock assessments using Casal2. WG-SAM-2022/14. CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia, 20 p.

Although, this functionality has been simulation tested, we still need to build CASAL and Casal2 side by side configs for training and translation purposes.

There are some tag release and recapture data in the Test Case SCI.

Please add some CASAL and Casal2 comparison metrics for tagging to the Test Case SCI MPD report.

Closing issue. Been a few years and will be placed on a roadmap if required.