- 0
Add in an 'unbind<>' call for use when redefining input parameters in child classes
#425 opened by alistairdunn1 - 2
ReportTabular for type selectivity in an age-based model when the selectivity is length based
#413 opened by Craig44 - 1
Category format and short hand syntax consideration
#412 opened by Craig44 - 2
Casal2 - Fails to compile on GCC/G++ v13.1.1
#420 opened by Zaita - 1
Casal2 Fails to Compile on Debian 12.5 with GCC 12.2.0
#424 opened by Zaita - 1
Direct floating point equal comparisons
#422 opened by Zaita - 1
Undefined behaviour when using vector.resize()
#423 opened by Zaita - 1
- 4
ADD tag test case sexed and unsexed.
#398 opened by Craig44 - 1
- 2
- 1
Simulating abundance or biomass observations with `@catchability.type = nuisance`
#416 opened by Craig44 - 1
Run profiles for multiple parameters
#387 opened by Craig44 - 1
ADD initial mean length at age into the data table
#384 opened by Craig44 - 1
Complete the comparisons of Casal2 and the NOAA stock assessment model comparison project(s)
#378 opened by NIWAFisheriesModelling - 1
- 1
Verifies to add
#385 opened by Craig44 - 2
CASAL2 length based : min_length max_length ?
#414 opened by fannyouzoulias - 0
Nuisance Qs with multiple Indicies
#411 opened by Craig44 - 0
Time-varying report broken
#410 opened by Craig44 - 2
Estimation of vector elements outside the tranformation, when only some elements of that vector are transformed, is not allowed
#409 opened by alistairdunn1 - 8
Dirichlet multinomial likelihood
#401 opened by Craig44 - 5
CategoryList report not compatiable with Casal2 R library function extract.mpd()
#406 opened by Craig44 - 0
Casal2 needs to error out when there are multiple parameter transformations or time-varying blocks on a single addressable
#407 opened by Craig44 - 0
Change ycs_values to be referenced by recruit year rather than spawning year (ycs_year)
#395 opened by Craig44 - 2
- 1
Flagging of penalties in the objective function
#389 opened by Craig44 - 0
- 1
- 0
Casal2 MinimiserResult Report is not correct
#365 opened by Zaita - 1
Add Github actions to test base Casal2 R-library
#391 opened by Craig44 - 0
- 1
ADD casal2 compatibility check in the R-package to warn users if they should update their R package relative to the casal2.exe
#390 opened by Craig44 - 0
Need to implement mcmc_fixed flag in @estimates
#388 opened by Craig44 - 3
Year varying categories produce incorrect answers across many processes/objections
#367 opened by Zaita - 1
Automate Simulated observation reports
#383 opened by Craig44 - 0
- 1
Profiling with autodiff libraries errors out
#380 opened by Craig44 - 1
Test HMC algorithm
#381 opened by Craig44 - 0
Add business rules around the recruitment processes regarding category definitions
#375 opened by Craig44 - 0
- 2
R0 is calculated incorrectly when uising dynamic partition members with the BH_recruitment process
#361 opened by alistairdunn1 - 1
TimeVarying does not work with age length objects (partition age length proportions doesn't get updated)
#359 opened by Zaita - 1
Process reports that attempt to report with an invalid process label give a critical error
#360 opened by alistairdunn1 - 2
Specifying more than one autodiff minimiser (with only one active) causes an error
#362 opened by alistairdunn1 - 1
Undefined behaviour in AgeLength class causing weird behaviour in Partition unit tests
#369 opened by Zaita - 0
Random failures in ModelRunner
#372 opened by Zaita - 0
AgeLength children classes not Resetting as expected
#374 opened by Craig44 - 1
Error when using casal2 -fi
#363 opened by alistairdunn1 - 1