
Selectivity class that can change parameterisation over time

Craig44 opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe exactly what you would like to see in an upcoming release
With recent gear changes in fisheries we have been splitting out multiple fisheries to account for changing selectivities. However, I think it would be cleaner to deal with this using selectivities.

I would like to have a selectivity class that takes selectivity labels for each model year. This way we can switch from a double normal to logistic selectivity curve or vice versa for a fishery selectivity during the model years.

The thing I didn't like and should also be considered is. Each execute for each age, time-step, year it does a find call which may be ineffecieint.
It would be nice if we had a "year_ndx" accessor from the model model_->year_ndx() and save the selectivity pointer in a year indexed vector during the build. That way each execute get_value call can be an quick look up i.e.,


Closing issue. Been a few years and will be placed on a roadmap if required.