
A format to deal with large amounts of teletext data and tools for it.

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A format to deal with large amounts of teletext data and tools for it.

Improved idea:

Referencing every individual packet is rather wastefull as a reference can easily have 32 bits. Since those references take up most of the space of an archive, it seems more efficient to reference whole pages instead. This way those 32 bits would not just reference a row (42 octets) but a whole page. Since the header row is most likely unique, there is little use in having it referenced.

Implementation idea:

  1. Variation on the .tta-idea: Header followed by packets for each dump.
  2. Blocks of teletext packets referenced by header.

CaputureHeader idea:

  1. number of pages
  2. PID (just for reference)
  3. time of capture (unix epochs) for each page
  4. page/subpage number:
  5. size/reference field (e.g positive => number of packets in page, negative => one header + reference back to n-th previous capture Maybe the header could have padding to a multiple of 42 octetts.

Data idea:

Essentially t42, size of block can be calculated via header.

Old idea below:

Basic idea:

Normal teletext dumps in tta or t42 format do not benefit from leaving out redundant information. For example a daily dump of a teletext service will store static pages in every dump even if they have not changed.

The basic idea is to have a set of files containing teletext packets. The dump itself will onyl contain links to theese packets. This will replace a 42 byte octett with a 32 bit reference. Considering teletext services rarely exceed 50000 packets, this would allow for much more than 80000 dumps per archive.



Essentially the file would contain a series of chunks. Each chunk has a format like this:

pos size name/comment
0 4 size in octetts including header and footer
4 4 type
8--- variable data
end 4 size in octetts including header, matches field at 0

Chunk types

Version chunk

Type: "VERS" Data: "Version string" This chunk should be at the start of the file and indicate the version

Doku chunk (optional)

TYPE: DOKU Data: UTF-8 text representing a human readable documentation of the file format

Teletext packets

Type: "TXTP" Data: teletext packets, each one 42 bytes.


A page contains a pagenumber and subpage number as well as references to the data frames Type: "PAG4" Data:

| pos | size | name/comment| +-----+------+-------------| | 0 | 4 | page number | | 4---| variable | refrences

The references contain unsigned pointers to within the file ignoring any file structure. This limits the file size to 4 Gigabytes. If larger files are needed a possible extension would add a PAG5 header with longer pointers.

The page number would be


Contains a teletext capture. Type: "CAP4" Data: | pos | size | name/comment | +-----+------+--------------| | 0 | 8 | timestamp of the capture in UNIX epochs

for each page | pos | size | name/comment| +-----+------+-------------- | 0 | 4 | page number like in PAG4 | 4 | 4 | pointer to the page

Capture index

Type: "INDX" Contains a file index, the last chunk should be of this type. | pos | size | name/comment| +-----+------+-------------- | 0 | 4 | pointer to the previous index | 4 | 4 | 1 or more pointers to a CAP4 chunk

Accessing a file

Accessing a file should start from the end. Since all chunks contain their length at the end it is easy t otraverse them from the end towards the start. One an INDX-Chunk is found the pointers can be followed to to get to the pages of the capture or to the "next" capture. CAP4 chunks form a single linked list from the end of the file to the start. This allows for adding new captures by appending to a file.