
Muut Riot integration with Rails

Primary LanguageRuby


Muut Riot integration with Rails


  1. Nodejs - for tags compiling.
  2. jQuery - for tags mounting (if you're going to use helpers provided by gem).
  3. Rails 3 and 4 supported


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'riot_js-rails'


$ bundle install

Add riot and riot_rails to your application.js:

//= require riot
//= require riot_rails


Put all your components somewhere into assets/javascript. All components tags must have .tag extension (if you use older version of sprockets, try .js.tag) and need to be required in your application.js. This will compile component to Javascript.


Each component has to be mounted. It can be done by executing riot.mount in javascript, e.g.:

$(function() {

Alternative approach is to use view helper, e.g.:

<%= riot_component(:example_tag, { :header => 'Some header' }) %>

This will generate following HTML:

<example-tag data-opts="{&quot;header&quot;:&quot;Some header&quot;}" data-mount></example-tag>

and immediate mount it with given options.

You can also use HTML element as tag:

<%= riot_component(:div, :example_tag, { :header => 'Some header' }) %>

which will generate following code:

<div data-opts="{&quot;header&quot;:&quot;Some header&quot;}" data-mount riot-tag="example-tag"></div>

To generate tag with content use block:

<%= riot_component(:example_tag, { :header => 'Some header' }) do %>
<% end %>

If you want to add your own classes to component or any other attributes, pass it as last argument:

<%= riot_component(:div, :example_tag, { :header => 'Some header' }, { class: 'my-class' }) %>

If you don't want to use helper you can use plain HTML:

<example-tag data-riot></example-tag>

Built-in preprocessing

You can use one of the Riot built-in preprocessors for javascript. Available options are: "coffee", "typescript", "es6" and "none"


  <script type="coffee">
    # your coffeescript logic goes here

Note that this may require some extra NodeJS modules. Riot-rails uses by default global modules installed by npm (installed with option -g). If you want to use local modules add following line to your config/application.rb:

config.riot.node_paths << '/path/to/your/node_modules'

Rails preprocessing: HAML, SASS and CoffeeScript

You can define tag using HAML, SASS and CoffeeScript. Example:

  %h1{ onclick: "{change_header}" }
    = "{header}"

    example-haml {
      h1 {
        background-color: #ffff00;

    self = this
    this.header = opts.header

    this.change_header = ()->
      self.header = 'New header'

Note: file has to have .tag.haml extension (or .js.tag.haml for older version of Sprockets)


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/riot_js-rails/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request