
Manage membership of managed host with Windows AD.

Ansible role AD membership

Manage membership of managed host with Windows AD.

Build Status



Author Information


  • Ensure a package manager is available and configured with the correct package sources and repositories.
  • Ensure privileged permissions are set for the user executing this role to:
    • Install and uninstall.
    • Edit files such as, /etc/krb5.conf and /etc/sssd/sssd.conf.
    • Manage systemd services for realmd, sssd and addjobd.
  • Ensure network traffic to the Windows Domain Controller.




Compatible with the following list of operating systems:

  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 8
  • RHEL 7.x
  • RHEL 8.x

Role Variables

Variable name Description
role_ad_membership_sa_username Service account username for the AD (encrypted).
role_ad_membership_sa_password Service account password for the AD (encrypted).
role_ad_membership_required_packages List of required packages to install.
role_ad_membership_use_discovered_domain_controller Whether to use the discovered AD controller based on domain.
role_ad_membership_ad_controller_random_selection Whther to randomly select an AD controller or just the first in the list.
role_ad_membership_ad_controllers A list of AD controllers.
role_ad_membership_computer_ou The AD Organizational Unit to place the Computer object in.
role_ad_membership_ou_user_search_base The AD Organizational Unit to search users in.
role_ad_membership_netbios_max_length Maximum character length for Netbios hostname check.
role_ad_membership_leave_ad Whether to leave the AD and remove the Computer object from the OU.
role_ad_membership_allowed_group_list Combined list of other lists that start with the name role_ad_membership_allowed_group_list_.
role_ad_membership_allowed_group_list_default A default list of groups to allow.
role_ad_membership_molecule_dummy Dummy switch to bypass entire converge playbook.

Example Playbook

- name: Manage membership of managed host with Windows AD
  become: True
  gather_facts: True
    - /path/to/vault/file.yml
    - import_role:
        name: ansible_role_ad_membership
          - openldap-clients
          - krb5-workstation
          - krb5-libs
          - adcli
          - realmd
          - authconfig
          - samba-client
          - samba-common
          - samba-common-tools
          - sssd
          - sssd-ad
          - sssd-krb5
          - oddjob
          - oddjob-mkhomedir
        role_ad_membership_use_global_domain_controller: False
        role_ad_membership_ad_controller_random_selection: False
          - ad1.example.com
          - ad2.example.com
        role_ad_membership_computer_ou: OU=Servers,DC=example,DC=com
        role_ad_membership_netbios_max_length: 15
        role_ad_membership_leave_ad: False
          - Special-Group-01
          - super_special_group_01
          - Special-Group-02
          - super_special_group_02
          - Special-Group-03
          - super_special_group_03


Useful shell commands

Discover AD controller and domain specifics.

dig -t SRV _ldap._tcp.ad.example.com
dig -t SRV _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.ad.example.com

Additional documentation resources

The following links provide more information about sssd and it's usage.

Testing with Molecule

This role is locally tested with the use of Molecule, the configuration is located at: molecule/default.
The Molecule tests are run (using the docker driver) on Dockerhub images built for this purpose:

Some specific configurations might require a full OS instead of a minimal container image. In these use-cases make use of molecule driver for vagrant with the libvirt provider. The Molecule driver and platform configuration part could look something like this:

  name: vagrant
    name: libvirt
  - name: ansible_role_ad_membership-ansible-molecule-centos-7
    box: centos/7
    imemory: 1024
    cpus: 1

CI/CD with Travis CI

This role uses Travis CI to run online tests with the use of Molecule and pushes notifications to import the role into Ansible Galaxy once the tests are successful. The Travis CI configuration is located at the root of the Ansible role .travis.yml

Useful links