

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HTML Setup

  1. Under bootstrap header in maine section implement 3 columns
  2. Implement 3 rows -Row one: poke images poke1, poke2, poke3 -Row two: radio buttons radio1, radio2, radio3
        <label id="poke1-label">
            <input name="pokemon" type="radio" id="poke1-radio" />
            <img id="poke1-img" />
        <label id="poke2-label">
            <input name="pokemon" type="radio" id="poke2-radio">
            <img id="poke2-img" />
        <label id="poke3-label">
        <input name="pokemon" type="radio" id="poke3-radio">
        <img id="poke3-img" />
    input {
        display: none;

    input:checked + img {
        border: solid 2px blue
- row three: onclick button


  1. Keep track of -Increment each time pokemon is encountered -Increment each time pokemon is caught
  2. You'll need these values:

forAnyPokemonObject { id: string, captured: number, encountered: number }


  1. onLoad
    • generateThreePokemon
  2. onClick
    • Send the selected pokemon to local storage (POKEDEX)
    • findById to see which pokemon is selected
    • check to see if any of the 3 pokemon are duplicates of each other.
      • If so, get 3 new pokemon
    • increment the encounter state
    • increment the capture state


  • generateThreePokemon

    • start with raw array of pokemon data
    • use Math.random to get 3 random array indexes
      • Ensure they're unique
        • While loop - if they aren't unique, get three new random numbers
    • use the 3 indexes to get 3 pokemon
    • increment encountered value for all 3 pokemon
    • display in DOM
  • Inside local-storage-utils.js

    • getPokedex
      • const POKEDEX = 'POKEDEX' //create our local storage key
      • const stringyPokedex = localStorage.getItem(POKEDEX)
      • if(!stringyPokedex) return []
        • else return parsedPokedex = JSON.parse(pokedex)
    • setPokedex(parsedPokedex)
      • const stringyPokedex = JSON.stringify(parsedPokedex)
      • localStorage.setItem(POKEDEX, stringyPokedex)
    • encounterPokemon(pokemon)
      • const pokedex = getPokedex(); //we've encoutnered a poke so stringify it
      • const matchingPokedexItem = findById(pokedex, pokemon,pokemon) // find it by sending the parsed localStorage and match it with a pokemon object
      • if(matchingPokedexItem)
        • matchingPOkedexItem.encounter++; //increment encountered
      • else
        • const newPokedexItem = {id: pokemon.pokemon, catpure: 0, encountered: 1}
      • pokedex.push(newPokedexItem) push it into local storage
      • setPokedex(pokedex)
      • return pokedex
    • capturePokemon()
      • grab our pokedex from localStorage
      • increment the captured value for that pokemon