
Code to enable MadMapper to communicate with a Teensy and directly map onto 5v WS2812 LED strips.

Primary LanguageC++


Here is the code to enable MadMapper to communicate with a Teensy 4.0 and directly map onto 5v WS2812 LED strips.

This way you can easily light up LEDs from a computer without too much setup.

This can do much longer lengths of LED strips. Much longer and you will need a larger power supply as the USB cable from a computer can only supply so much.

See a video walkthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Bk2nNnpYyfI

Documentation on the Teensy 4.0 in use: https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy40.html

Madmapper Teensy LED Thumbnail IMG_3725 Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 6 54 25 PM