
Contains the Media Browser wiki

Getting started

How to Contribute

The wiki can be edited directly from the github website.

  • Configuration screenshots should display default values
  • Don't assume the user has advanced knowledge of anything. If another part of the system requires setup, then mention it and link to it.
  • Users tend to have short attention spans, so try to avoid overly long paragraphs of text. Headlines, bullet points and images are much more effective.

Adding Images

  • Clone https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki.wiki.git
  • Add images, for example, "images/category/image.png"
  • Commit and push the image
  • Add an image from a wiki page, the url based on above will be "images/category/image.png"
  • Make images as minimal as possible. Do not show the entire application window but instead just the relevant parts. Describe the menu navigation rather than displaying it. This will decrease the chances of the image becoming obsolete as navigation changes.