Idiomatic raylib (5.1-dev) bindings for Zig (master).
Additional infos and WebGL examples here.
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- HTML5/WebGL (emscripten)
- RLAPI (raylib.h)
- RLAPI (rlgl.h)
- RMAPI (raymath.h)
- Constants
- int, float, string
- Colors
- Versions
For raygui bindings see:
The easy way would be adding this as submodule directly in your source folder. Thats what I do until there is an official package manager for Zig.
git submodule add raylib
git submodule update --init --recursive
The bindings have been prebuilt so you just need to add raylib as module
const raylib = @import("path/to/raylib.zig/build.zig");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const mode = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const exe = ...;
raylib.addTo(b, exe, target, mode, .{});
and import in main.zig:
const raylib = @import("raylib");
pub fn main() void {
raylib.SetConfigFlags(raylib.ConfigFlags{ .FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE = true });
raylib.InitWindow(800, 800, "hello world!");
defer raylib.CloseWindow();
while (!raylib.WindowShouldClose()) {
defer raylib.EndDrawing();
raylib.DrawFPS(10, 10);
raylib.DrawText("hello world!", 100, 100, 20, raylib.YELLOW);
For Webassembly builds see examples-raylib.zig/build.zig
This weird workaround with marshal.h/marshal.c
I actually had to make for Webassembly builds to work, because passing structs as function parameters or returning them cannot be done on the Zig side somehow. If I try it, I get a runtime error "index out of bounds". This happens only in WebAssembly builds. So marshal.c
must be compiled with emcc
. See build.zig in the examples.
An easy way to fix binding mistakes is to edit them in bindings.json
and setting the custom flag to true. This way the binding will not be overriden when calling zig build intermediate
Additionally you can add custom definitions into inject.zig, inject.h, inject.c
these files will be prepended accordingly.
I have NOT tested most of the generated functions, so there might be bugs. Especially when it comes to pointers as it is not decidable (for the generator) what a pointer to C means. Could be single item, array, sentinel terminated and/or nullable. If you run into crashes using one of the functions or types in raylib.zig
feel free to create an issue and I will look into it.
Some of the functions may return pointers to memory allocated within raylib. Usually there will be a corresponding Unload/Free function to dispose it. You cannot use a Zig allocator to free that:
const data = LoadFileData("test.png");
defer UnloadFileData(data);
// using data...
for current raylib source (submodule)
zig build parse # create JSON files with raylib_parser
zig build intermediate # generate bindings.json (keeps definitions with custom=true)
zig build bindings # write all intermediate bindings to raylib.zig
For easier diffing and to follow changes to the raylib repository I commit also the generated json files.
If you want to build the raylib_parser executable without a C compiler.
zig build raylib_parser
you can then find the executable in ./zig-out/bin/