The game we have created is a fast-paced shooter set in a cold and harsh fantasy world inhabited by dwarves. The player controls a triangle-shaped ship and must defend themselves against waves of incoming enemies, which appear at the top of the screen and move from left to right.
The player can shoot bullets by clicking the mouse or holding it down, and the bullets travel upwards towards the enemies. If a bullet hits an enemy, it is destroyed and the player's score is increased.
The player can also collect powerups that appear at random intervals when an enemy is destroyed. These powerups temporarily increase the player's shooting speed, allowing them to take out enemies more quickly.
The game is set on a full-screen canvas, and the player's ship follows the mouse pointer as it moves around the screen. The player's score is displayed on the HTML page, and the game ends when an enemy reaches the bottom of the screen or collides with the player's ship.
Overall, the game provides a challenging and entertaining gameplay experience that requires quick reflexes and strategic thinking to survive against the relentless enemy waves.
Dwarves has nothing to do with the game, but with my previous 'talk' with ChatGPT. He just threw it in there :-).
I made a few adjustments like putting the code in different files and didn't copy all the code from the responses I got. ChatGPT was giving me the same render and update function over and over again while I just needed the color change for example.
All with all pretty impressive!
I think this took me a few hours in total. the commit messages are the prompts I used.
Robin Lamb