
Stores events emitted by Casper nodes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Casper Event Store

High Level View

Event Handler

Event Handler is a program that is responsible for:

  • Reading events from Casper Node. It requires constantly open HTTP connection.
  • Retrying Casper Node connection if it drops.
  • Parsing events and sending them to the database using direct connection.

systemd should supervise the Event Handler and restart it if required.

Event Store

Event Store is a standard web server. It offers:

  • REST calls with filtering and pagination.
  • WebSockets with subscriptions and filters.
  • Horizontal scaling.

Supported models:

  • Blocks
  • Deploys
  • Accounts

Web App

Web App is written in Express.js.


As a database we use MySQL. It can be easily set in the master-slave config, so each instance of a Web App has its own read-only instance. Only the instance, that populates data from the Event Handler needs write access.

Storage should be designed, so it doesn't store duplicated events.

For the sake of testing it should be possible to use in-memory db.

Horizontal Scaling

Scaling is done by having multiple instances of a Web App. Incoming traffic is equally distributed among WebApps. To communicate with all the connected clients via websockets Redis is used as a PubSub mechanism.


The code should be fully tested. Docker images should allow to start:

  • All-in-one instance for local testing and development.
  • Cluster mode for deployment.


npm install


npm test

Event Store - Usage

For the development it is possible to run the server in two modes: with and without mock data.

To run server with empty database:

npm run dev-start-web-server

To run server with mock data:

npm run dev-start-web-server-with-mock-data

Event Store - REST Endpoints

Possible HTTP Status Code Description
200 Correct request to the existing resources.
404 Correct request to the not-existing resources.
400 Incorrect request, which is probably wrong URL.


Get the information about a single block.

$ curl -s localhost:3000/block/block1_6409191316db2ad075bf005cba502e2a46f83102bceb736356a9c51111 | jq
  "blockHash": "block1_6409191316db2ad075bf005cba502e2a46f83102bceb736356a9c51111",
  "parentHash": "16815a580c3c1005a7df485e77e31c89e5fb1dec4d57988ffb29f1e699977414",
  "timestamp": "2020-10-08T12:11:35.808Z",
  "eraId": 163,
  "proposer": "01d28e8ac5e5a02512c134fecb5cde43755b59d4616e109a4afd6c4f908bf82606",
  "state": "added",
  "height": 1800,
  "deploys": [


Get the paginated list of blocks starting from the latest block. Pagination is supported via page and limit parameters. limit sets how many elements should be included on the page. By default limit=10 and page=1. The response contains additional information about total number of pages pageCount, total number blocks itemCount and pages that can be turned into pagination bar on the frontend.

$ curl -s localhost:3000/blocks?limit=2 | jq
  "data": [
      "blockHash": "block3_09191316db2ad075bf005cba502e2a46f83102bceb736356a9c51111",
      "parentHash": "aacd466409191316db2ad075bf005cba502e2a46f83102bceb736356a9c51111",
      "timestamp": "2020-10-08T12:13:35.808Z",
      "eraId": 163,
      "proposer": "01d28e8ac5e5a02512c134fecb5cde43755b59d4616e109a4afd6c4f908bf82606",
      "state": "added",
      "height": 1802,
      "deploys": [
      "blockHash": "block2_09191316db2ad075bf005cba502e2a46f83102bceb736356a9c51111",
      "parentHash": "aacd466409191316db2ad075bf005cba502e2a46f83102bceb736356a9c51111",
      "timestamp": "2020-10-08T12:12:35.808Z",
      "eraId": 163,
      "proposer": "01d28e8ac5e5a02512c134fecb5cde43755b59d4616e109a4afd6c4f908bf82606",
      "state": "added",
      "height": 1801,
      "deploys": []
  "pageCount": 2,
  "itemCount": 3,
  "pages": [
      "number": 1,
      "url": "/blocks?limit=2&page=1"
      "number": 2,
      "url": "/blocks?limit=2&page=2"


Get the information about a single deploy.

$ curl -s localhost:3000/deploy/deploy3_0fb356b6d76d2f64a9500ed2cf1d3062ffcf03bb837003c8208602c5d3 | jq
  "deployHash": "deploy3_0fb356b6d76d2f64a9500ed2cf1d3062ffcf03bb837003c8208602c5d3",
  "account": "1234501c47ed20a9ec40a899ddc7b51a15db2a6c55041313eb0201ae04ee9bf932",
  "state": "processed",
  "cost": 12,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "blockHash": "block3_09191316db2ad075bf005cba502e2a46f83102bceb736356a9c51111"


Get the paginated list of deploys for an account starting from the latest block. Pagination is supported via page and limit parameters. limit sets how many elements should be included on the page. By default limit=10 and page=1. The response contains additional information about total number of pages pageCount, total number deploys itemCount and pages that can be turned into pagination bar on the frontend.

$ curl -s localhost:3000/accountDeploys/010c801c47ed20a9ec40a899ddc7b51a15db2a6c55041313eb0201ae04ee9bf932?page=1&limit=10
  "data": [
      "deployHash": "deploy1_0fb356b6d76d2f64a9500ed2cf1d3062ffcf03bb837003c8208602c5d3",
      "account": "010c801c47ed20a9ec40a899ddc7b51a15db2a6c55041313eb0201ae04ee9bf932",
      "state": "processed",
      "cost": 11,
      "errorMessage": null,
      "blockHash": "block1_6409191316db2ad075bf005cba502e2a46f83102bceb736356a9c51111"
      "deployHash": "deploy2_6fb356b6d76d2f64a9500ed2cf1d3062ffcf03bb837003c8208602c5d3",
      "account": "010c801c47ed20a9ec40a899ddc7b51a15db2a6c55041313eb0201ae04ee9bf932",
      "state": "processed",
      "cost": 12,
      "errorMessage": null,
      "blockHash": "block1_6409191316db2ad075bf005cba502e2a46f83102bceb736356a9c51111"
  "pageCount": 1,
  "itemCount": 2,
  "pages": [
      "number": 1,
      "url": "/accountDeploys/010c801c47ed20a9ec40a899ddc7b51a15db2a6c55041313eb0201ae04ee9bf932?page=1&limit=10"


There are three configuration files that lives in config directory.

  • config/db-config.json is the database configuration.
  • config/eh-config.json is used by the Event Handler to specify the URL of the Node's /events endpoint.
  • config/web-config.json is used by the Event Web Server to specify its host and port.

Docker Setup

Event Handler

Event handler needs to have the connectivity with the database and the Node.

docker build . -f Dockerfile.handler -t event_handler
docker run -it -v $PWD/config:/app/config event_handler

Event Web Server

Event Web Server needs to have the connectivity with the database (and soon Redis).

docker build . -f Dockerfile.web_server -t event_web_server
docker run -it -v $PWD/config:/app/config event_web_server