
In this group of seven project, there were five of us in charge of the coding. My tasks: I had taken someone else's design of the website pages and expanded upon this. I also assisted our client in: choosing a color scheme for her public-facing side of her web-based app, creating a business logo (of which I had photo-shopped for her web pages), creating a banner (this appears on the home page), providing the code for the slideshow, incorporating our client's Google calendar, and creating a Google form, with validations, for her contact page. I also provided code for the check-in/check-out (see timekeeper repository), but my group declined to use this code. I was not able to get the webpages to be "responsive", as the normal code that would work on most apps did not work within the Meteor environment. Additionally, I had set up the login that allows the client to login via her Google login. Spangler Family Daycare's name, its logo, its banner, and all content and pictures are copyrighted. Our design group had exclusive permission to use these from the owner of the company.