iPad Wireframe Templates for Omnigraffle

These two templates can be used as starting templates for creating wireframes on iPad. They use a grid of 12 columns by 16 rows for portrait and 16 columns by 12 rows for portrait. Each column/row is 60px on its shortest size with a gutter of 4px.

Templates are created for Omnigraffle for Mac, optimized for both normal and professional version.


Add these templates to

~/Library/Application Support/The Omni Group/OmniGraffle/Templates

Optimise for Retina

If you like to use these templates to show wireframes on a retina device, please export to an image format (TIFF, PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP) and set dots per inch to 144.


Templates are designed by Cas Lemmens.


Released under the MIT license.