Welcome to UCF's Data Visualization class running December 2020 - June 2021!

Class Schedule

8 December 2020 - 5 June 2021 (inclusive)
Demo day is usually within a month from the end of class, on a weekday/ weeknight.

Day Lecture Office Hours
Tuesday 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM
9:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Thursday 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM
9:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

Holiday Schedule

Holiday Date Day
Winter Break 24 Dec 2020 Thu
26 Dec 2020 Sat
29 Dec 2020 Tue
31 Dec 2020 Thu
2 Jan 2021 Sat
Memorial Day 29 May 2021 Sat

Repo Guidelines

You have read-only access to this repository, and you'll have access to it forever as part of your tuition. This access is available to the Github username you provided to Trilogy.

Class Expectations


You're expected to attend all lecture periods. If you need more than the allowed 8 absences due to work or family emergencies, contact Chavon and the instructional team as soon as you know. We'll be your advocates.

If you're running late, come anyway! If you're very late, we will mark you as absent, but you should still come to learn as much as you can.

You have 15 minutes to sign into Bootcampspot at the beginning of class. If you forget, let us know - we have admin privileges and can sign you in later.

Office Hours

Office Hours attendance is optional, but you are expected to watch the recordings.

Generally, only after-class office hours are recorded. Homework Help, Homework Solutions, and bonus sessions (git, statistics, pimping your terminal, publishing websites) will be covered, and built on in the main lectures.

Before class, office hours are generally not recorded. This time is for you to bring questions, chat, or get individual help with set up or problems.


We're generally very laid-back. Come as you are, wear clothes (lol, i know), and turn on your camera as long as your bandwidth allows. (You can turn your camera off for a bit to eat during class.)

You should keep your mics on mute to minimize background noise. You can unmute anytime to ask questions.

This is a safe space, so be yourself! We're here to support each other. We're all human though, so avoid being rude or hurtful.

It's fine for your pets/ little ones/ family members to be on the camera for a few moments, btw. Standard video meeting etiquette.

Helpful Links

  • Lecture Notes
    • Custom for our class. Contains a summary of lectures, office hours, and Panopto recordings.
  • Homework
    • Instructions for assignments are posted here.
    • Homework is due 1-2 weeks after we finish the module. Check BCS for the exact due dates.
    • Solutions are posted in the same folders as the instructions.
    • Homework Solutions are typically posted two lectures after the due date.
  • In-Class Exercises
    • Organized by module (each module is ~3 classes), then by day.
  • Projects
  • Bootcampspot (BCS)
    • Bootcampspot has a "chat" button at the bottom-right that you can use to request a tutor.
    • We recommend everyone request a tutor! It's basically an extra hour each week with a programming professional. You get this with your tuition, and it's a great way to network and take your skills to the next level.
    • Trilogy has limited resources, so it can sometimes take time to get a tutor assigned - better to request one before you need help on an assignment.

Homework And Projects

Submitting Homework And Projects

Homework and projects are submitted via Bootcampspot.


You are allowed to skip up to 2 homeworks in Homeworks 1-20. Homework must recieve a grade higher than Incomplete to count towards your cert.

Homeworks 21 and 22 are optional whether you skip other assignments or not.

For each homework, you are expected to make a new repository on Github unless otherwise noted in the instructions. Repositories should show frequent commits to help us see that you are using and learning git.

Warning: Repositories with only 1 giant commit at the deadline are potential plagiarism flags, so it's best to commit early and often! Plus, you can easily revert to any previous commit in case things go awry, so don't worry about overwriting your work.

You can edit your homework after you've turned it in, but you should stop pushing commits to your repo at the deadline. Work edited after the deadline may not be seen by the grader.

Links to your homework's Github Website (i.e. https://github.com/yourUsername/yourHomeworkRepo) should be added to the appropriate coursework page on Bootcampspot. If you turn in your homework before the dealine, BCS will send it to Central Grading.

Grades are somewhat subjective depending on the grader, but typically standard at the letter-grade level. Check the provided rubrics to see how your scores are calculated, and bring any questions or concerns to your instructional team.

After your homework is graded, you can do anything you like with the repos. We recommend sprucing them up and showcasing your favorites on a portfolio page!


For projects, all group members should submit the same links. All contributing group members will receive the same grade.

You are not allowed to skip any projects. In order to pass and recieve your cert, all 4 projects must have a passing grade (D- or higher).

Submit the following links to BCS:

  • A link to your presentation slides
  • A link to your deployed website (does not apply to Project 1)
  • Required: A link to your team's Github repository. All group members must make commits to your team repo.
  • A link to your project writeup.

The non-required links are optional if you did not complete them. All team members should submit the same links.

Project presentations are recorded using Zoom and Panopto. Groups will be split up in the video using slides with group member names.

Late Homework

We recommend posting your link early to BCS early to avoid grading delays. You can even post it as soon as your make your repo!

If you add your link to BCS even a minute late, your homework will be considered late.

There is no grading penalty for late homework. However, late homework is not sent to Central Grading automatically - we have to manually request it. This can lead to grading delays.

To turn in your homework late, add your link to BCS as normal and contact your instructional staff (Sondra and Bay) to request your homework be regraded.

Please turn in homework no later than 2 weeks before class ends. Grading delays near the end of class may delay your certificate.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you're behind or have questions. We're here for you, and our goal is your success!

Regrading Homework And Projects

Submitted assignments are eligible for regrading until the end of class; however, we have limited resources, so requests must meet the criteria below to be considered.


You can request a regrade on your homework if you have modified your homework based on the grader's feedback. We will not accept regrade requests if you have an A+; lower grades are eligible, but requests will be at the discretion of your instructional team. (We're generally pretty open to homework regrades though.)

Before requesting a regrade, write a short note explaining what you changed on Bootcampspot so the next grader understands why your work is being regraded. You must add this note to the BCS feedback thread for assignment.

To request your regrade, send a group slack message to Sondra and Bay. You must leave a note on your BCS homework page first - we'll bounce the request back if you haven't.


Project regrades can be requested by any non-ANP (active non-participatory) students. If you are no longer eligible for a certificate, you cannot request a regrade.

There is one case where we will guarantee a regrade:

You received a failing grade (F or incomplete) on your project and have fixed your submission so it can pass. We will always regrade these requests.

Otherwise, regrades are at the discretion of the person who graded your project. Generally, we’re more likely to accept regrade requests if:

  • You were missing major parts of the project that you needed to actually create (i.e. forgetting to write a report)
  • You’ve made substantial changes based on our feedback.

If we’re too backed up on other tasks, regrading projects will need to wait.

If you’d like your project regraded, send us a request over slack explaining why and what you’ve changed.