
Repo to contain all 5 DS4 charging boards in Type-C variant. Currently holds JDS 001, 040, 050, and 055.

MIT LicenseMIT


Heads up!

This project has reached EOL. It is no longer under active development. PRs will be merged, but I no longer intend to update boards. Feel free to use all of the info provided here to make modifications to boards like using new parts or LEDs. These are pretty basic though, so this should hopefully hold until the DS4 controller is well discontinued.


Hate microUSB? Looking to decrease cable clutter? This is the PS4 mod for you. This repo aims to host mostly drop-in USB Type C replacement boards for all revisions of PS4 controller. Each board follow the USB Type C legacy standard, allowing C to C charging and data transfer at USB 2.0 speeds. The overall project goal is to keep all possible parts the same between boards, and to make it reasonablly easy for a person of moderate skill to populate these boards. This is an open source project though, so you're free to download KiCad and start making modifications to these boards so that you can more easily populate them.

I used a 0.8mm PCB when I originally made these, and found it worked quite well. Gives a little more room to work inside the controller. Cost will likely depend on which board house you choose to go through.

The Casual Coders Tindie store is now live! Head on over to shop.casualcoders.dev or tindie.com/stores/casualcoders (they're the same thing) if you'd like to purchase PCBs, Kits, or Pre-Assembled boards by one of us!

Tutorial To Manufacture and assemble these boards.

Tutorial to manufacture these boards

Supported boards

DS4 Board Tested PCB Connector Pictures Credits
JDS-001 001 14 Schematic, Front, Back 1
JDS-011 011 12 Schematic, Front, Back 2 1
JDS-030 030 12 Schematic, Front, Back 3
JDS-040 040-055 12 Schematic, Front, Back 4
JDS-05X 040-055 12 Schematic, Front, Back 4


The idea here is to create one "panelized" board which contains all above boards (JDS 001, 011, 030, 040, 050, 055). This means that someone could easily acquire a board for all controllers, then populate the one they need.
Work can now begin for this panel.

This is not something I plan to do anymore. If you'd like to do this and submit a PR, feel free and I'll merge it.



  1. The original shape for this board was done here by Martin Refseth. Thxandbye created the schematic and laid the traces on top. 2

  2. Thanks to IcicaSora for providing the schematic for 011

  3. Thanks to 12brendan3 for providing the schematic for 030

  4. According to reddit user u/Mcorgano the pinout is supposedly the same between JDS-040 and JDS-055. The idea for this dual board also comes from the same user.
    As of 11/08/2021, the 055 pinout has been confirmed by reddit user u/jrmanpt 2