A runtime SPIR-V assembler. It aims to ease dynamic SPIR-V code generation
without calling external applications (like Khronos' spirv-as
Its design aims to move code that does not belong in the application to the library, without limiting its functionality.
What Sirit does for you:
- Sort declaration opcodes
- Handle types and constant duplicates
- Emit SPIR-V opcodes
What Sirit won't do for you:
- Avoid ID duplicates (e.g. emitting the same label twice)
- Dump code to disk
- Handle control flow
- Compile from a higher level language
It's in early stages of development, many instructions are missing since they are written manually instead of being generated from a file.
class MyModule : public Sirit::Module {
MyModule() {}
~MyModule() = default;
void Generate() {
SetMemoryModel(spv::AddressingModel::Logical, spv::MemoryModel::GLSL450);
auto main_type{TypeFunction(TypeVoid())};
auto main_func{OpFunction(TypeVoid(), spv::FunctionControlMask::MaskNone, main_type)};
AddEntryPoint(spv::ExecutionModel::Vertex, main_func, "main");
// Then...
MyModule module;
std::vector<std::uint32_t> code{module.Assemble()};