A small script used to auto book a desk in your office using NIBOL
For work, you must manually create a folder in your HOMEPATH/.config/nibblefibble
and add inside a JSON file that contains the references of yourself and your desk. For example:
"identity": "John Doe",
"token": "the_jwt",
"desk_id": "your_desk_id",
"space_id": "your_space_id",
"excluding_days": [6, 0]
The exclude days option allows you to define a list of days in which to skip the desktop booking process.
To use this option you must provide an array of integers that correspond to the number of the day of the week; for example
means "ignore saturday and sunday". Below a map of days to int:
0 => Sunday
1 => Monday
2 => Tuesday
3 => Wednesday
4 => Thursday
5 => Friday
6 => Saturday
You can also create multiple file with different identities and tokens, if you need to booking for multiple persons
You can set some params and customizations using the file ~/.config/conf.json
Nibblefibble support to send a notification if something wrong occured during the desktop rent process.
The notiifcation channel used is Slack (For now). You can configure the notifications using the conf.json
Here the basic structure for a simple notification.
"slack_hook": "https://hooks.slack.com/services/YOUR/WEB/HOOK",
"slack_template": {
"blocks": [
"type": "header",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "NibbleFibble error",
"emoji": true
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "{{.Identity}}, an error occured during the rent of your desk"
Simply RUN:
go build
# It generate the executable to launch with the name
# of the project
Each file rapresent a user, so if you need to create an automation for your two employees, Jane and John, simply create two files with the informations provided in the example.
ls ~/.config/nibblefibble
# output
- john.json
- jane.json
If your system have cron
service installed. You simply must create a valid cron rule to execute nibblefibble.
Licensed under MIT