
This is my pet project. Run apps in order automatically at startup in Windows with registering vbs in taskscheduler's logon trigger.


Use library

  using module ".\lib\RunAsync.psm1"

Run notepad.exe

  RunAsync "Notepad.exe"

Run notepad.exe and wait for opening window

  RunAsync "Notepad.exe" -WinTitle "Untitled - Notepad"

Run notepad.exe and minimize it

  RunAsync "Notepad.exe" -WinTitle "Untitled - Notepad" -HideWin

Open task manager and hide it on system tray (need admin rights)

  RunAsync "Taskmgr.exe" -WinTitle "Task Manager" -HideWin

How to find WinTitle string

  Get-Process | ? {$_.ProcessName -eq "notepad"} | Format-Table MainWindowTitle
  Get-Process | ? {$_.MainWindowTitle} | Format-Table MainWindowTitle

Save my sleep

    init: {
      'sequence': {
        %% 'showSequenceNumbers': true

    actor Me
    Note over Me: Sleeping #128564;
    Computer ->> Computer: Wake up by BIOS #128343;

    Computer ->> CustomStartup: Run by TaskScheduler at startup
    Note over CustomStartup: Run Scripts in order

    alt when screen light is on
      Computer --x Me: Disturb sleeping #128547;
    CustomStartup ->> Computer: Turn off screen ASAP #10071;#10071;
    alt when screen light is off
      Computer -->> Me: Sleep well #128124;

    CustomStartup ->> Computer: Start background apps
    CustomStartup ->> Computer: Start the usual apps

    Note over Me: Get up #128355;
    Me ->> Computer: Good Morning #128512;
    Computer ->> Me: Everything is prepared #128526;
    Me ->> Computer: Good Boy #129299;