
A simple user and role system for Node.js and Redis.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple membership component. It stores user and role data in Redis.


  • 0.1.0 - User implementation
  • 0.2.0 - Role implementation
  • 0.3.0 - Custom property implementation



Assuming that you have initialized redis, you can initialize user by require('redis-user').

const redis = require('redis');
var redisClient = redis.createClient();
const user = require('redis-user')(redisClient);

Call createUser during the user registration process.

user.createUser('user@example.com', 'ThePasswordIsReallyReallyLengthy!', function(result) {
    if (result) {
        /* continue */
    } else {
        /* show error */

Call validateUser during the user login process.

user.validateUser(email, password, function(result) {
    if (result) {
        /* login success */
    } else {
        /* login failure */

When the user wants to change the password, call updateUserPassword.

user.updateUserPassword(email, oldPassword, newPassword) {
    if (result) {
        /* success */
    } else {
        /* failure */


If you want to assign roles to users, you can use user.role.

const role = user.role;

Before assigning a role to users, you must first create it by calling role.createRole.


Then you can assign users to groups by calling role.addUsersToGroups. You can also remove users from groups by calling role.removeUsersFromGroups.

role.addUsersToGroups(['user0@example.com', 'user2@example.com'], ['admin'], function(result) {
    if (result) {
        /* success */
    } else {
        /* failure */

If you want to know whether a user has a role, you can call isUserInRole.

role.isUserInRole('user@example.com', 'admin', function(result) {
    if (result) {
        /* user@example.com has admin role */
    } else {
        /* user@example.com hasn't admin role */