This uses open API provided by SpaceX which is related to missions they've launched over the years. This displays details related to it through a beautiful user interface and filters provided. This uses Vue-Tailwind UI library in Vue for UI components which are powered by Tailwind CSS.
Tried to convert the app to Vue 3 using Vite but just came to know that the UI library used in this 'vue-tailwind' is no longer maintained and is not supported for Vue 3. In place of this, Headless UI can be used.
Made with ❤️ by @apfirebolt
- Makes use of SpaceX public API to search for launches and filter them based on various parameters.
- Vue-Tailwind components used for Tables and Modals inside the application.
Simply install node modules for the app and run the serve script.
npm install
npm run serve
For production, run the build npm command and serve the static files through a production or development server.
npm run build
npm start
Please find some of the screenshots of the application. Below is the screenshot of the Home Page.
Screenshot of the search and filter missions page where you can filter SpaceX missions by Type (success/failure), Rocket Name and is it upcoming mission.
Screenshot of the Launch Page which lists all the missions by SpaceX.
Screenshot of the Ships Page which lists all the ships used by SpaceX.
Screenshot of the Dragons Page
Screenshot of the Capsules Page which lists all the capsules used by SpaceX.
- Filtering based on dates of mission launched, filter by last month, year.
- Docker deployment script with nginx
- Vuex to be added for managing the store, could be an overkill though for this app though.