A quiz application suited for web and mobile. Dev quiz's aim is to pose multiple choice questions that help users practice both basic and advanced fundamental knowledge of four languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ruby.
This app helps bootcamp and college graduate with CS degree to get ready for a technical job interview. It is multiple choice quiz which engages users and help them expand their knowledge about programing languages of their choice.
* HTML is a Hypertext Markup Language, the code that describes web pages. * CSS is short for Cascading Style Sheet and it allows web developers to alter the layout and appearance of their web pages. * It is a programming language that lets you insert bits of code into a website to make pages more versatile. * Ruby on Rails is an open-source server-seide programing language which helped me made this blog * Postgres was our choice for database and it also works well with heroku.Database uses seed file to create questions. Our intention is to add more advance qeustions with relevent complexity which is asked most often in technical interviews as well.
Clone or fork the repository to your local computer.
Follow these commands
rails db:drop
rails db:create
rails db:schema:load
rails db:seed
rails s
Enjoy the quiz now on localhost:3000 on your web browser
Minhal Gardezi, Cat Perry, Keven Hesse, and Omar Ahmed; please take a look at the contributions to learn more about each of us.