<<<<<<< HEAD A fun, high-impact website built to encourage online sale of bakery products by fictitious bakery. Made for clientele that includes hipsters, high-rollers, millenials and everyone in between. Also is capable of developing corporate relationships and general loyalty with newsletter add-in.
Video demo
Languages Used Sinatra, Ruby, SendGrind, API Wrappers, Heroku, Git, JavaScript
Acknowledgments All product images from Yummly, and this site is not for commercial purposes, only to demo web dev.
A mock website for the modern baker—hipster meets, punk, meets graffiti style to appeal to a less traditional but just as avid audience.
Built to showcase all of the products available—from cupcakes to donuts—and to allow mock bakeshop owner to send catalog emails using the SendGrid API.
Languages used include Ruby, JavaScript, Sinatra, CSS/HTML, and web APIs.
All images credited to Yummly; this is for noncommercial, student purposes only.