
The Odin Project: JS : Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is Project: Library from The Odin Project. https://www.theodinproject.com/courses/javascript/lessons/library

View My Project Live: https://catqueencodes.github.io/Project-Library/

GitHub Code Files: https://github.com/catqueencodes/Project-Library

This project took me 37 hours, 1.3 hours of that time was CSS the rest was the JavaScript

Things I learned:
-How to properly use const
-Basics of local storage so data is not lost on page refresh
-You can access DOM elements with a variable refrencing that DOM elements ID. For example:
let bookId = document.getElementById(readBtn${myLibrary.indexOf(this)}); to access an element with the ID readBtn1
-You can add event listeners INSIDE of other functions.
-! NOT will turn truthy values falsey and falsey values truthy. You can change a variable/value using !