
Simple api for managing posts

Primary LanguageC#


Simple api for managing posts

How to launch?

In "Production" Mode:

  1. Open terminal in root directory
  2. Run docker-compose --env-file ./docker.env up
  3. Wait until api is available
  4. Go to localhost:8000
  5. Work...
  6. CTRL+C in terminal to shutdown api
  7. docker-compose down stops docker containers

In "Development" Mode:

  1. Open terminal in root directory
  2. Run docker-compose --env-file ./docker.env up database, if you change env, make sure you update them in launchSettings.json also update ApplicationDbContextDesignTimeFactory
  3. Wait until postgres is available
  4. Start api from your IDE
  5. Work...
  6. CTRL+C in terminal to disconnect from docker container
  7. docker-compose down stops docker container


  • Docker & Docker-Compose