
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dictionary web app

This is a solution to the Dictionary web app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


live site



  • styling
  • user Preferences
  • Loading Screen
  • Source attribution
  • Switch between light and dark themes
  • Suggestions


  • Data fetching
  • Error handling
  • Play the audio file for a word when it's available
  • Switch between serif, sans serif, and monospace fonts.
  • other logic
  • input

Built with

  • React
  • Tailwind
  • Redux toolkit

Things i Learnt

  • working with React-redux (especially with data fetching)
  • working with audio.


  1. currentTime: Gets or sets the current playback position in seconds.
  2. duration: Returns the duration of the audio in seconds.
  3. paused: Indicates whether the audio is paused.
  4. ended: Indicates whether the audio has ended.
  5. volume: Gets or sets the audio volume, where 0 is muted, and 1 is full volume.
  6. muted: Gets or sets whether the audio is muted.
  7. loop: Gets or sets whether the audio should loop when it reaches the end.
  8. playbackRate: Gets or sets the playback rate of the audio (e.g., 1 for normal speed, 2 for double speed, 0.5 for half speed).
  9. currentSrc: Returns the URL of the currently playing audio source.
  10. paused: Indicates whether the audio is paused.


  1. play(): Starts or resumes audio playback.
  2. pause(): Pauses audio playback.
  3. load(): Loads the audio file if it hasn't been loaded already.
  4. canPlayType(type): Checks if the browser can play audio of the specified type (e.g., "audio/mp3").
  5. seekTo(time): Seeks to a specific playback position in seconds.


  1. onplay: Fired when audio playback begins.
  2. onpause: Fired when audio playback is paused.
  3. onended: Fired when the audio has finished playing.
  4. ontimeupdate: Fired as the playback position of the audio changes (e.g., during playback, while seeking).
  5. onvolumechange: Fired when the audio volume or mute status changes.
  6. oncanplay: Fired when enough of the audio has loaded to be able to play it.
  7. oncanplaythrough: Fired when enough of the audio has loaded to play it smoothly without buffering interruptions.




Email: ebunoyebola.tech@gmail.com


Thanks to catalyst (@Catalyst497 on twitter) for collaboration.