
frontend services for project fortis - A data gathering and intelligence pipeline that collects, analyzes and aggregates information from social media outlets and other public / private web data sources

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This repository is outdated and was migrated to project-fortis.


Travis CI status


This repository contains the services tier of the Fortis architecture, below highlighted in red in the architecture diagram for the entire system.

Overview of Fortis architecture with project-fortis-services responsibility highlighted

This repository implements a NodeJS GraphQL server that sits in between the Fortis data-store (Cassandra) and the Fortis frontend (React).

Development setup

As per the diagram above, there are two pieces necessary to run this repository locally: a Cassandra database and the GraphQL server. You can spin up both of these pieces using Docker via the following command:

git clone https://github.com/CatalystCode/project-fortis-services
cd project-fortis-services
docker-compose up

The container of the GraphQL server will wait for the Cassandra database to come live, then set up the database schema, then insert seed data (if a link to a CQL file is provided via the FORTIS_CASSANDRA_SEED_DATA_URL environment variable) and then start the GraphQL server on port 8080.

After the server started, head over to the following URLs to play with the service: