
A digital archive of category theory papers.

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Category Theory Archive

This repository is an archive of early papers in category theory. If you know of a paper that is not listed here, or have a copy of paper that is listed here without a copy, please inform us.

For a .bib file of the papers in the archive, see: https://github.com/CategoryTheoryArchive/archive/blob/main/build/references.bib.

Year Title Authors Link
1960 Functor theory Peter Freyd 1960_freyd_functor-theory.pdf
1966 Algebra valued functors in general and tensor products in particular Peter Freyd 1966_freyd_algebra-valued.pdf
1966 Triples versus theories Fred Linton 1966_linton_triples-theories.pdf
1966 Continuous Yoneda Representation of a small category Anders Kock 1966_kock_continuous-yoneda.pdf
1967 Abstract universal algebra Robert Clay Davis 1967_davis_abstract-universal.pdf
1967 A triple miscellany: some aspects of the theory of algebras over a triple Ernest Manes 1967_manes_triple-miscellany.pdf
1967 Limit Monads in Categories Anders Kock 1967_kock_limit-monads.pdf
c. 1968 Jon Beck 1968_beck_.pdf
1968 Bikategorien af Profunktorer Maren Bojen Justesen 1968_justesen_bikategorien-profunktorer.pdf
1969 On the concreteness of certain categories Peter Freyd 1969_freyd_concreteness-certain.pdf
1969 Una definizione alternativa di ``funtori aggiunti'' Mario Servi 1969_servi_definizione-alternativa.pdf
1970 V-localizations and V-triples Harvey Wolff 1970_wolff_v-localizations-v-triples.pdf
1972 Les triples Jean Bénabou 1972_bénabou_triples.pdf
1972 Categories multiplicatives Jean Bénabou 1972_bénabou_categories-multiplicatives.pdf
1973 Les distributeurs Jean Bénabou 1973_bénabou_distributeurs.pdf
1973 Problemes dans les topos Jean Bénabou 1973_bénabou_problemes_topos.pdf
1974 Relative functorial semantics, III. Triples vs. theories Fred Linton 1974_linton_relative-functorial.pdf
1975 Categorie normate Renato Betti, Massimo Galuzzi 1975_betti--galuzzi_categorie-normate.pdf
1975 Symmetric closed categories W. J. de Schipper 1975_schipper_symmetric-closed.pdf
1975 Algebraic theories Gavin C. Wraith 1975_wraith_algebraic-theories.pdf
1975 Catégories internes et fibrations & Cohomologie de gel'fand-fuks Jean Celeyrette 1975_celeyrette_catégories-internes.pdf
1976 Variétés d'une catégorie Yves Diers 1976_diers_variétés-catégorie.pdf
1976 Type de densite d'une sous-categorie pleine Yves Diers 1976_diers_type-densité.pdf
1976 Universal coalgebras Thomas Fox 1976_fox_universal-coalgebras.pdf
1977 Catégories localisables & Aspects geometriques de la propriete de Radon-Nikodym dans les espaces de Banach Yves Diers 1977_diers_catégories-localisables.pdf
1977 Une généralisation de la notion de construction fondamentale Jean-Marie Maranda 1977_maranda_généralisation-notion.pdf
1977 Bialgebras in locally presentable categories Friedrich Ulmer 1977_ulmer_bialgebras-locally.pdf
1981 Quasi-fini e lemma di Yoneda relativo nella teoria delle bicategorie relative Fabio Rossi 1981_rossi_quasi-fini.pdf
1983 Una condizione caratteristica per l'esistenza di un biaggiunto destro Cristina Reggiani 1983_reggiani_condizione-caratteristica.pdf
1983 Completion of categories under certain limits Carol Meyer 1983_meyer_completion-categories.pdf
1984 Generalising the structure-semantics adjunction: Operational categories Barry Jay 1984_jay_generalising-structure-semantics.pdf
1984 Butler's theorems and adjoint squares John Power 1984_power_butler's-theorems.pdf
1988 Cocompleteness almost implies completeness Jiří Adámek, Horst Herrlich, Jan Reiterman 1988_adámek--herrlich--reiterman_cocompleteness-almost.pdf
1988 On Local Adjointness of Distributive Bicategories Renato Betti, John Power 1988_betti--power_local-adjointness.pdf
1988 Eilenberg-Moore algebras revisited Dieter Pumplün 1988_pümplun_eilenberg-moore.pdf
1988 Logiques, categories & machines Yves Lafont 1988_lafont_logiques-categories.pdf
1989 Coherence for bicategories with finite bilimits John Power 1989_power_coherence-bicategories.pdf
1990 An elementary characterization of presheaves categories Renato Betti 1990_betti_elementary-characterization.pdf
1992 On internal topologies and the inverse image Renato Betti 1992_betti_internal-topologies.pdf
1995 Cobordism categories Sean Michael Carmody 1995_carmody_cobordism-categories.pdf
2000 On categorical Frobenius reciprocity Renato Betti 2000_betti_categorical-frobenius.pdf