
Bookstore is a books website with features to display a list of books, add a book and remove a selected book.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Book Store


Milestone 1:

  • Initialize React app.
  • Add React Redux (npm install react-redux) to it.
  • Structure the application files using a "feature folder" approach and used the ducks pattern for the Redux files.
  • Add React Router to set s and s for the app's navigation.
  • Display the list of books with a remove button.
  • Add a form for adding a book.
  • Add Categories component displaying "Under construction" text only.

Milestone 2:

  • Configure Redux store and create a booksReducer with actions.
  • Use redux-logger to check if the application is working correctly on the console logs
  • Implement adding and removing a book in the components.

Milestone 3:

  • Connect the React-Redux application to an existing API
  • Add books to the API
  • Remove books from the API

Milestone 4:

  • Style the application according to the design provided in Zeplin

Built With

  • HTML, CSS & JS
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Webpack
  • Linters
  • ReactJS

Deployed Online

Set up locally

Once you completed this steps you should see the app running at: http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

Author 👤

👤 Nakitto Catherine

🤝 Contributing

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Feel free to check the issues page

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  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc