
Wiki for liftoff repo

Primary LanguageShell

NOTE: This repo does NOT have a .md extension, so that it does NOT show up on the wiki.

This repo exists to create feature branches and PRs for
the Liftoff Wiki https://github.com/LaunchCodeEducation/liftoff/wiki.

# History
The repo behind https://github.com/LaunchCodeEducation/liftoff/wiki is not a normal repo.
That repo can NOT be seen via the github UI, therefor it does NOT allow for the creation of PRs.

We wanted PRs for two reasons
1. QA process for Education team
2. Allow contributions from outside Education team by forking and submitting a PR

# Created this repo (liftoff-wiki) for contributions
Any additions or updates that need to appear on https://github.com/LaunchCodeEducation/liftoff/wiki
should be committed to this repo. Create feature branches and PRs.

# Deploying to the Wiki
To deploy new commits to the visible wiki https://github.com/LaunchCodeEducation/liftoff/wiki,
1. Create a PR for your feature branch (a PR could also be created by someone outside of the Ed team that has forked the repo)
2. Have the PR reviewed, approved, and then merged
3. run the ./deploy-to-wiki.sh in the root of this repo

# Repos
origin https://github.com/LaunchCodeEducation/liftoff.git (repo we created to contain PRs & feature branches for wiki work)
upstream https://github.com/LaunchCodeEducation/liftoff.wiki.git (this is the special wiki repo that github created)