
Work in progress. A modern boilerplate made for quickly prototyping static UI and frontend elements, blocks, templates or whatver is needed using Gulp 4 (webpack stream), Scss and NunjucksJS (or considering switch to Handlebars). Eventually the migration flow of this into a second phase stage in Vue, React or even PHP Blade... Looking into ways of making this possible.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

UI Prototyping Modern Starter Kit

A modern front-end starter boilerplate made to use Gulp 4 for watching and compiling scss, ...


Note: Yarn may be replaced and not used in case that's what you want. Yarn's installation times and version tree control for dependencies is cool though. If you decide not to use yarn, simply delete the yarn.lock file and instead of running yarn, run npm.


git clone --depth=1 --branch=master git@github.com:CatinhoCR/UI-Prototyping-Modern-Starter.git YourProjectFolder && rm -rf YourProjectFolder/.git

This will clone the repository, without it's history so you can kickoff your project clean. It also deletes the git's folder so you can use your own repository for your templating. So you can do these 2 next, for initializing a new git repository and adding your own remote.

git init && git remote add origin <your-repository-url>

After you have all the needed dependencies installed in your machine, simply navigate to the project's root folder in your terminal and run:

yarn install


To Do List (Ordered by Priority - Quick Draft)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
