
Simple search engine for class. Support bool search and semantic search.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Chinese Report for this experiment is report.md. Original news data crawled is ~1.9G, and will not be provided here. While you can download the processed data.

To use this search engine, you need to extract output.zip to ./output folder, and just run bool_search.py or semantic_search.py, process.py is used for process raw data and generated output only.

Note: The code quality is broken including but not limited to ill-formed class methods, mixed OPP and OOP codes, etc. Please issue pull requests if you want to make it better, the authors are just too busy or lazy to fix these.


  • Install pip dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Download NLTK data and set NLTK_DATA to download path.

    wordnet -> NLTK_DATA/corpora/wordnet

    stopwords -> NLTK_DATA/corpora/stopwords

  • Download pre-processed data(stated above)

You can adjust some parameters in source code to get better searching experience.


Thanks to SuzanaK for synonyms list (licensed under BY-SA 3.0), and all open source tools used in this project.