
Here I gather the notes made from taking the course Full Stack Open aranged by the University of Helsinki.

Primary LanguageHTML


Here I gather the notes made from taking the course Full Stack Open aranged by the department of computer science at the University of Helsinki. The chapter names in the notes mirror those that are found in the material.


Technologies: Javascript, React, RESTful, Node.js, GraphQL, Typescript, React Native Also important: Testing, configuration, environment management, databases, continuous integration, debugging, containers

Table of Contents

  1. General Info
  2. Fundamentals of Web apps
  3. Event handlers and Callback functions
  4. Document Object Model - DOM
  5. Cascading Style Sheets - CSS
  6. Loading a page containing JavaScript - review
  7. Forms and HTTP POST
  8. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML - AJAX
  9. Single page app - SPA
  10. JavaScript - libraries
  11. Full-stack web development
  12. Exercises

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to React
  2. JavaScript
  3. Component state, event handlers
  4. A more complex state, debugging React apps