
Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


1. What's this?

sv-docgen is a program that generates documentation from system-verilog source code, similar to doxygen.


2. Quick start

2.1. Command-line

verilog-docgen a.v b.v c.lst --output out.md [--other-options]

To produce this example, run: cargo run example/test.sv --output example/test.md --wavedrom=wavedrom-cli --graphviz=dot

2.2. Verilog comments

The sv-docgen is based on great sv-parser, and it supports up to IEEE 1800-2017. The sv-docgen extends its syntax with some special comments, similar to:

  * @command: xxx 

Note that expect for the begining /** and ending */, other * is optional. @command is a command, which syntax may vary between different commands. the : after command is optional.

When docgen comments appears in some contexts, it will become specialized documentation, as listed below:

2.2.1. Module documentation

When docgen comments is placed before a module declaration, it will become a module documentation.

  * @brief this is the foo module 
  * @port din1: this is a port 
  * @param P1: this is a parameter 
  * @param P2: this is another parameter 
module foo #(P1) (din1); 
    input din1; 
    parameter P2=1; 

Considering module can have a lot of ports, following syntax is supported:

  * @brief this is the foo module 
module foo #( 
    P1,  //* this is a parameter 
    P2   //* this is another parameter 
) ( 
    input din1,    //* this is an input port 
    output dout1,  //* this is an output port 

2.2.2. Function/Task documentation

When docgen comments is placed before a function/task declaration, it will become a function/task documentation.

  * @brief this is the foo function 
  * @port din1: this is a port 
  * @param P1: this is a parameter 
  * @returns: this is the return value 
function [7:0] foo; 
    input [7:0] din1; 
    parameter P1=1; 

2.2.3. Signal documentation

When docgen comments is placed before a signal declaration, it will become a signal documentation.

  * @brief this is the foo signal 
logic [7:0] memory [0:7]; 

// @brief this is the bar register 
reg bar; 

2.2.5. File documentation

if a docgen comment begins with command @file, it is a file documentation.

  * @file: xx.v 
  * @brief: this is the xx file 
  * @author: yy 
  * @rev 1.0: first version 
  * @rev 2.0: second version 

2.2.6. Common commands

Some commands are available in all above documentations, including:

  * @note: some notes 
  * @ref: some reference 
  * @see: see other doc/link 
  * @example: 
  *    some example code 
  * @wave:  
  *   {signal: [ 
  *     {name: 'clk', wave: 'p.....|...'}, 
  *     {name: 'dat', wave: 'x.345x|=.x'}, 
  *   ]} 

Note: @wave will use wavedrom-cli to generate wave image To install wavedrom-cli, you can use num install -g wavedrom_cli or download manually. To let docgen make use of graphviz, you should add --wavedrom=wavedrom_cli


State machine documentation are also supported, see below:

  * @fsm SomeStateMachine
  * @state sleeping: This is sleeping
  * @state working: This is working
  * @sleeping->working: transit 1
  * @working->resting: transit 2
  * @resting -> sleeping transit 3
  * @working->sleeping: transit 4

Note: @fsm will use graphivz to generate state machine image. To install graphviz, you can use apt-get install graphivz or download manually. To let docgen make use of graphviz, you should add --graphviz=dot


2.3. Output

The docgen currently supports output as Markdown. See example.