
The gfoRmula package implements the parametric g-formula in R. The parametric g-formula (Robins, 1986) uses longitudinal data with time-varying treatments and confounders to estimate the risk or mean of an outcome under hypothetical treatment strategies specified by the user.

Primary LanguageR

gfoRmula: Parametric G-Formula

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You can install the released version of gfoRmula from CRAN with:


After installing the devtools package (i.e., calling install.packages(devtools)), the development version of gfoRmula can be installed from GitHub with:



Please refer to McGrath et al. (2020) for a detailed guide to the gfoRmula package. Also, see the following vignettes regarding updates since McGrath et al. (2020):

  • “A Simplified Approach for Specifying Interventions in gfoRmula”
  • “Using Custom Outcome Models in gfoRmula”