Causal Inference for The Brave and True 책의 한국어 번역 자료입니다.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 4roringPearl Abyss
- be-favoriteGmarket
- ByungjunKimDepartment of Cultural Informatics, Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
- chulhongsungChangwon National University
- cieskeSamsung Research
- CptAswadu
- dhkim0225NAVER Cloud, HyperclovaX
- dinnercodingSeoul, South Korea
- Esoh124Republic of Korea
- EunHuiChoi
- fenzhantwLG CNS
- garlicvreadAidALL
- hahajjjunYonsei University, College of Medicine
- heehehe@NAVER
- HenryYoonAiriss
- howsmyanimeprofilepictureSeoul
- jaejungsceneAjou University
- jayblue27Hwaseong-si, Korea
- jinseob2kim@zarathucorp
- jjonhwaGlorang
- jonghyunlee1993Philadelphia, PA, USA
- jsshin2019
- jsshin2022KRAFTON
- KimJiSeong1994AI Research@BIGVALUE
- long8vNaver Cloud
- maxha97@deeptextlab
- minvv23Underscore
- minyeamerGeosung Digital
- NamtaekNetmarble
- novemberandKbank
- shineby
- soheekim911
- soohyunmeHDC-labs
- vhrehfdlKorea
- victolee0Sungkyunkwan University
- ymjoo827-neublaNeubla