
Banka is a light weight banking app built with JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability Test Coverage

This is a banking web app

Getting Started

Clone the Repository.



  • Node v10.15.0 or above
  • Npm v6.4 or above


POST api/auth/signup Users can signup
POST api/auth/signup/addstaff Admin can add staffs
POST api/auth/signin Users can signin
GET api/v1/accounts Gets all accounts
GET api/v1/accounts/:accountnumber Gets account by accountnumber
GET api/v1/accounts/:accountnumber/transactions Gets all transactions by accountnumber
POST api/v1/accounts Users can create account
PATCH api/v1/accounts/accountNumber Staff and Admin can be modify account
DELETE api/v1/accounts/accountNumber Staff and Admin can be delete account
GET api/v1/transactions/:transactionid Users can view a particular transaction
POST api/v1/transactions/accountNumber/debit Staffs and Admin can debit users
POST api/v1/transactions/accountNumber/credit Staffs and Admin can credit users
GET api/v1/users Staffs and Admin can see all users
GET api/v1/users/:email/accounts get accounts that belongs to eamil
DELETE api/v1/users/:id Staffs and Admin can delete users


On your Local Machine

  • Pull the develop branch off this repository
  • Run npm install to install all dependencies
  • Run npm run dev to start the app
  • Access endpoints on localhost:5100

Running the tests

Run npm test in the terminal for the cloned folder.

Built With

GitHub Url Pages

URL: https://cavdy.github.io/Banka/

Heroku Link

URL: https://bankaapp-api.herokuapp.com/

API Documentation

URL: https://bankaapp-api.herokuapp.com/api-docs

Pivotal Tracker

URL: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/2319773


  • Isaiah Ikenna Franklin (Cavdy)