This is the reposting of some S3TC DXT texture decompression routines that I wrote and published to an old blog in 2009.
I hadn't thought about these routines in a very long time, but I recently discovered my name in some Amazon Fire copyright notices and traced the notice back to these routines, or a derivative thereof, being include in ffmpeg, which I thought was pretty nifty. Completely coincidentally, the very next day I received an email asking about these very same routines. I figured that was a sign that I should share these routines again via a more modern mechanism.
When using these routines, feel free to chose one of either:
- My original worded "license" (which was intended to be essentially public domain).
- The MIT license
My original worded "license" was intended to be extremely permissive and does not require attribution. However, given it is highly non-standard (not checked over by a lawyer) then that may lead to ambiguity. If you need something a bit more solid then the MIT license ought to meet your needs.
October 21st, 2009
Earlier this year I offered to write the S3TC decompression routines that allowed texture exporting functionality to be included in the ‘Collada Exporter’ plug-in for the C4 Engine. After doing a bit of research I was pointed towards the perfect resource by C4’s creator, Eric Lengyel. Any information I’d found prior to this made the process sound a bit convoluted but after looking over the reference I was able to write the decompression routines with relative ease.
I basically forgot about these routines until a couple of days ago when the question of how to decompress S3TC (specifically DXT1 and DXT5) textures was brought up on the XNA Creators Club forums. As a result I’ve decided to release the methods that I wrote. In order to ensure the code compiled fine in any project I’ve removed all the C4 specific data-types and methods, and I’ve made no use of any methods that aren’t included. As a result things became a little messier, hopefully the code is still understandable. Without further ado here are my C++ methods to decompress DXT1 and DXT5 textures:
I’m still in the midst of writing an entry on iPhone, ASP .NET, Linux and Mono so if you’re at all interested check back here in a few days.
Note: Although the C++ routines are reproduced below (as in the original blog post), they're also available in s3tc.cpp
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// S3TC DXT1 / DXT5 Texture Decompression Routines
// Author: Benjamin Dobell -
// Feel free to use these methods in any open-source, freeware or commercial
// projects. It's not necessary to credit me however I would be grateful if you
// chose to do so. I'll also be very interested to hear what projects make use of
// this code. Feel free to drop me a line via the contact form on the Glass Echidna
// website.
// NOTE: The code was written for a little endian system where sizeof(long) == 4.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// unsigned long PackRGBA(): Helper method that packs RGBA channels into a single 4 byte pixel.
// unsigned char r: red channel.
// unsigned char g: green channel.
// unsigned char b: blue channel.
// unsigned char a: alpha channel.
unsigned long PackRGBA(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
return ((r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | a);
// void DecompressBlockDXT1(): Decompresses one block of a DXT1 texture and stores the resulting pixels at the appropriate offset in 'image'.
// unsigned long x: x-coordinate of the first pixel in the block.
// unsigned long y: y-coordinate of the first pixel in the block.
// unsigned long width: width of the texture being decompressed.
// unsigned long height: height of the texture being decompressed.
// const unsigned char *blockStorage: pointer to the block to decompress.
// unsigned long *image: pointer to image where the decompressed pixel data should be stored.
void DecompressBlockDXT1(unsigned long x, unsigned long y, unsigned long width, const unsigned char *blockStorage, unsigned long *image)
unsigned short color0 = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short *>(blockStorage);
unsigned short color1 = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short *>(blockStorage + 2);
unsigned long temp;
temp = (color0 >> 11) * 255 + 16;
unsigned char r0 = (unsigned char)((temp/32 + temp)/32);
temp = ((color0 & 0x07E0) >> 5) * 255 + 32;
unsigned char g0 = (unsigned char)((temp/64 + temp)/64);
temp = (color0 & 0x001F) * 255 + 16;
unsigned char b0 = (unsigned char)((temp/32 + temp)/32);
temp = (color1 >> 11) * 255 + 16;
unsigned char r1 = (unsigned char)((temp/32 + temp)/32);
temp = ((color1 & 0x07E0) >> 5) * 255 + 32;
unsigned char g1 = (unsigned char)((temp/64 + temp)/64);
temp = (color1 & 0x001F) * 255 + 16;
unsigned char b1 = (unsigned char)((temp/32 + temp)/32);
unsigned long code = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned long *>t(blockStorage + 4);
for (int j=0; j < 4; j++)
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++)
unsigned long finalColor = 0;
unsigned char positionCode = (code >> 2*(4*j+i)) & 0x03;
if (color0 > color1)
switch (positionCode)
case 0:
finalColor = PackRGBA(r0, g0, b0, 255);
case 1:
finalColor = PackRGBA(r1, g1, b1, 255);
case 2:
finalColor = PackRGBA((2*r0+r1)/3, (2*g0+g1)/3, (2*b0+b1)/3, 255);
case 3:
finalColor = PackRGBA((r0+2*r1)/3, (g0+2*g1)/3, (b0+2*b1)/3, 255);
switch (positionCode)
case 0:
finalColor = PackRGBA(r0, g0, b0, 255);
case 1:
finalColor = PackRGBA(r1, g1, b1, 255);
case 2:
finalColor = PackRGBA((r0+r1)/2, (g0+g1)/2, (b0+b1)/2, 255);
case 3:
finalColor = PackRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255);
if (x + i < width)
image[(y + j)*width + (x + i)] = finalColor;
// void BlockDecompressImageDXT1(): Decompresses all the blocks of a DXT1 compressed texture and stores the resulting pixels in 'image'.
// unsigned long width: Texture width.
// unsigned long height: Texture height.
// const unsigned char *blockStorage: pointer to compressed DXT1 blocks.
// unsigned long *image: pointer to the image where the decompressed pixels will be stored.
void BlockDecompressImageDXT1(unsigned long width, unsigned long height, const unsigned char *blockStorage, unsigned long *image)
unsigned long blockCountX = (width + 3) / 4;
unsigned long blockCountY = (height + 3) / 4;
unsigned long blockWidth = (width < 4) ? width : 4;
unsigned long blockHeight = (height < 4) ? height : 4;
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < blockCountY; j++)
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < blockCountX; i++) DecompressBlockDXT1(i*4, j*4, width, blockStorage + i * 8, image);
blockStorage += blockCountX * 8;
// void DecompressBlockDXT5(): Decompresses one block of a DXT5 texture and stores the resulting pixels at the appropriate offset in 'image'.
// unsigned long x: x-coordinate of the first pixel in the block.
// unsigned long y: y-coordinate of the first pixel in the block.
// unsigned long width: width of the texture being decompressed.
// unsigned long height: height of the texture being decompressed.
// const unsigned char *blockStorage: pointer to the block to decompress.
// unsigned long *image: pointer to image where the decompressed pixel data should be stored.
void DecompressBlockDXT5(unsigned long x, unsigned long y, unsigned long width, const unsigned char *blockStorage, unsigned long *image)
unsigned char alpha0 = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(blockStorage);
unsigned char alpha1 = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(blockStorage + 1);
const unsigned char *bits = blockStorage + 2;
unsigned long alphaCode1 = bits[2] | (bits[3] << 8) | (bits[4] << 16) | (bits[5] << 24);
unsigned short alphaCode2 = bits[0] | (bits[1] << 8);
unsigned short color0 = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short *>(blockStorage + 8);
unsigned short color1 = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short *>(blockStorage + 10);
unsigned long temp;
temp = (color0 >> 11) * 255 + 16;
unsigned char r0 = (unsigned char)((temp/32 + temp)/32);
temp = ((color0 & 0x07E0) >> 5) * 255 + 32;
unsigned char g0 = (unsigned char)((temp/64 + temp)/64);
temp = (color0 & 0x001F) * 255 + 16;
unsigned char b0 = (unsigned char)((temp/32 + temp)/32);
temp = (color1 >> 11) * 255 + 16;
unsigned char r1 = (unsigned char)((temp/32 + temp)/32);
temp = ((color1 & 0x07E0) >> 5) * 255 + 32;
unsigned char g1 = (unsigned char)((temp/64 + temp)/64);
temp = (color1 & 0x001F) * 255 + 16;
unsigned char b1 = (unsigned char)((temp/32 + temp)/32);
unsigned long code = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned long *>(blockStorage + 12);
for (int j=0; j < 4; j++)
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++)
int alphaCodeIndex = 3*(4*j+i);
int alphaCode;
if (alphaCodeIndex <= 12)
alphaCode = (alphaCode2 >> alphaCodeIndex) & 0x07;
else if (alphaCodeIndex == 15)
alphaCode = (alphaCode2 >> 15) | ((alphaCode1 << 1) & 0x06);
else // alphaCodeIndex >= 18 && alphaCodeIndex <= 45
alphaCode = (alphaCode1 >> (alphaCodeIndex - 16)) & 0x07;
unsigned char finalAlpha;
if (alphaCode == 0)
finalAlpha = alpha0;
else if (alphaCode == 1)
finalAlpha = alpha1;
if (alpha0 > alpha1)
finalAlpha = ((8-alphaCode)*alpha0 + (alphaCode-1)*alpha1)/7;
if (alphaCode == 6)
finalAlpha = 0;
else if (alphaCode == 7)
finalAlpha = 255;
finalAlpha = ((6-alphaCode)*alpha0 + (alphaCode-1)*alpha1)/5;
unsigned char colorCode = (code >> 2*(4*j+i)) & 0x03;
unsigned long finalColor;
switch (colorCode)
case 0:
finalColor = PackRGBA(r0, g0, b0, finalAlpha);
case 1:
finalColor = PackRGBA(r1, g1, b1, finalAlpha);
case 2:
finalColor = PackRGBA((2*r0+r1)/3, (2*g0+g1)/3, (2*b0+b1)/3, finalAlpha);
case 3:
finalColor = PackRGBA((r0+2*r1)/3, (g0+2*g1)/3, (b0+2*b1)/3, finalAlpha);
if (x + i < width)
image[(y + j)*width + (x + i)] = finalColor;
// void BlockDecompressImageDXT5(): Decompresses all the blocks of a DXT5 compressed texture and stores the resulting pixels in 'image'.
// unsigned long width: Texture width.
// unsigned long height: Texture height.
// const unsigned char *blockStorage: pointer to compressed DXT5 blocks.
// unsigned long *image: pointer to the image where the decompressed pixels will be stored.
void BlockDecompressImageDXT5(unsigned long width, unsigned long height, const unsigned char *blockStorage, unsigned long *image)
unsigned long blockCountX = (width + 3) / 4;
unsigned long blockCountY = (height + 3) / 4;
unsigned long blockWidth = (width < 4) ? width : 4;
unsigned long blockHeight = (height < 4) ? height : 4;
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < blockCountY; j++)
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < blockCountX; i++) DecompressBlockDXT5(i*4, j*4, width, blockStorage + i * 16, image);
blockStorage += blockCountX * 16;