
Grafana Dashboard to effectively monitor your Kubernetes PODS and Containers

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Grafana Dashboard to effectively monitor your Kubernetes PODS and Containers

Monitoring kubernetes deployment in production or testing environment is necessary for system engineers and performance engineers. Grafana dashboards provide meaningful insight from the metrics collected from kubernetes cluster.


Grafana > 6.0

  • Variable Definition for Dashboard VariablesDef


  • CPU resources for POD/Container (Requested, Limit, Usage and usage percentage) PODS_CPUUtil_Table

  • Memory Resources for POD/Container (Requested, Limit, Usage and usage percentage) Mem_Util_Table1

  • POD CPU Utilization Graph CPU_Util_Graph1

  • POD Memory Utilization Graph Mem_Util_Table1

  • POD I/O Utilization Graph IO_Util_Graph1