Project Summary

Project Goal: The goal of this project is to identify key drivers of customer churn in order to make recommendations on how to minimize future churn. We aim to create a model to identify customers at a higher risk of churn and use this to take preventative action.

  • Identify key drivers of churn
  • Develop and test classification models for identifying customers at risk of churn

Initial Hypothesis:

  • I expect churn to be primarily affected by:
    • Cost: Higher cost customers will be more likely to leave.
    • Contract: Customers are less likely to leave if they have a 1 or 2 year contract.
    • Alternatives: Internet customers without alternatives will be less likely to leave.
      • NOTE: This dataset does not have the information to test this hypothesis, however the availability of alternatives is an important unknown to keep in mind.

Initial Questions:

  • What features are the key drivers of churn?
  • Which of these features can be used to predict churn?

Project Plan:

  • Acquire data from servers
  • Prepare Data:
    • Identify any duplicate or unusable columns
    • Identify any missing data
    • Identify any needed transformation
    • Takes steps to clean data
  • Combine all data acquisition and preparation steps into modules
  • Explore data
    • subset non-encoded data for visualizations
    • create visual representations of all features in relation to target variable
    • perform hypothesis testing on subset of features that visually appear to be drivers of churn
    • conduct some multivariate analysis, primarily using features identified as drivers of churn
  • Model
    • subset encoded data for modeling
    • Create baseline
    • Determine model methods to use and hyperparameters for each. Minimum of 10 models.
    • Generate and fit these models on the train dataset
    • Run model statistics to identify top performing models (3-5)
    • Run this subset of modoels against the validate subset
    • Evaluate which model performed the best based off preferred model statistics and performance across subsets
  • Generate Final Report
    • Include subset of details across project steps
    • run model over test dataset


  • module with preparation and acquisition functions
    • wrangle_notebook.ipynb contains steps and notes on data acquisition and preparation decisions
  • eda.ipynb
    • Contains exploratory analysis of the data including visualizations and hypothesis testing
  • modeling.ipynb
    • Contains full modeling work, with notes on parameter choices and model evaluation
  • Final_Report.ipynb
    • Contains curtailed version of project in presentable format.
  • predictions.csv
    • Contains best model's predictions and probability on test subset

Reproducing the project:

  • User will need an file with the the following variables: 'host', 'user' (username), and 'password'
  • Data preparation assumes explicit list of columns and database tables. Changes to the underlying database may require updated data cleaning
  • The additional files contain

Data Dictionary:

This does not contain a list of the categorical columns after encoding

Column Non-Null Count Dtype Description and Values
gender 7043 non-null object gender: ['Female' 'Male']
senior_citizen 7043 non-null int64 [0 1]
partner 7043 non-null object ['Yes' 'No']
dependents 7043 non-null object ['Yes' 'No']
tenure 7043 non-null int64 Months customer has been with Telco
phone_service 7043 non-null object ['Yes' 'No']
multiple_lines 7043 non-null object If the customer has multiple phone lines: ['No' 'Yes' 'No phone service']
online_security 7043 non-null object ['Yes' 'No' 'No internet service']
online_backup 7043 non-null object ['Yes' 'No' 'No internet service']
device_protection 7043 non-null object ['Yes' 'No' 'No internet service']
tech_support 7043 non-null object ['Yes' 'No' 'No internet service']
streaming_tv 7043 non-null object ['Yes' 'No' 'No internet service']
streaming_movies 7043 non-null object ['Yes' 'No' 'No internet service']
paperless_billing 7043 non-null object Whether the customer uses paperless billing: ['Yes' 'No']
monthly_charges 7043 non-null float64 Monthly charge of customer (dollars)
total_charges 7043 non-null object Total charges in customer lifetime (dollars)
churn 7043 non-null object Whether the customer churned last month: ['Yes' 'No']
internet_service_type 7043 non-null object Internet service customer uses: ['DSL' 'Fiber optic' 'None']
contract_type 7043 non-null object Contract of customer: ['One year' 'Month-to-month' 'Two year']
payment_type 7043 non-null object Payment method customer uses: ['Mailed check' 'Electronic check' 'Credit card (automatic)' 'Bank transfer (automatic)']