
A set of tools and resources for analysis of Havoc C2

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A set of tools and resources for analysis of Havoc C2

Detection Rules


  • havoc-c2-memory.yar - Detects Havoc C2 in memory


A Volatilty 3 plugin has been created to detect the presence of Havoc C2 in memory. The plugin is located in the Volatility directory. An example of running the plugin is shown below:

vol -r pretty -p ./Volatility/ -f Win10-Analysis-Snapshot13.vmem havoc.Havoc --pid 5544
Volatility 3 Framework 2.5.2
Formatting...0.00               PDB scanning finished                        
  |  PID |        Process | Agent ID |                                                          AES Key |                           AES IV
* | 5544 | chrome-updater | 4b9ccaea | 8c0a8026307278b0de8472a2407c08a83cd22004b2e8d672f0549232d6081efc | 900ec8ccc246b25e242276781420f40e

The detection works by identifying the magic bytes de ad be ef in the process memory. If your sample uses different magic you can use the --magic flag to specify the magic bytes.

Packet Capture

The packet capture directory contains a script to parse Havoc C2 traffic from a packet capture. The script has a few requirements.

Python Libraries

  • Python3
  • PyCryrptoDome
  • PyShark

OS Tools

  • tshark 4.x
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireshark-dev/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --upgrade tshark


The script will only detect HTTP traffic or HTTPS traffic that has been decrypted for example with TLS MASTER Keys.

The script can be run with the command show below. The script will attempt to detect the init request that contains the AES Key and IV, if not in the pcap then you can use the --aes-key, --aes-iv and --agent-id flags to specify the key and IV.


python3 havoc-pcap-parser.py -h                                                                                                                                                               ─╯
usage: havoc-pcap-parser.py [-h] --pcap PCAP [--aes-key AES_KEY] [--aes-iv AES_IV] [--agent-id AGENT_ID] [--save SAVE] [--magic MAGIC]

Extract Havoc Traffic from a PCAP

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --pcap PCAP          Path to pcap file
  --aes-key AES_KEY    AES key
  --aes-iv AES_IV      AES initialization vector
  --agent-id AGENT_ID  Agent ID
  --save SAVE          Save decrypted payloads to file
  --magic MAGIC        Set the magic bytes marker for the Havoc C2 traffic
python3 havoc-pcap-parser.py --pcap Havoc-MemoryCapture.pcapng
[+] Filtering for HTTP traffic
[+] Agent -> Team Server
[+] Found Havoc C2
  [-] Agent ID: 2f09db1e
  [-] Magic Bytes: deadbeef
  [-] C2 Address: http://havoc-http.the-briar-patch.cc/Collector/2.0/settings/
[+] Found AES Key
  [-] Key: d0f40032e0347cf4f42472ae2066e6eac82ce0d28ce8e4829edcc41ec48836d6
  [-] IV: dc0a16f0046c3c24bed2e29e88805296