
Behavior/Trajectory Planing for intersection scenario in Griesheim

Primary LanguageC++

Behavior/Trajectory Planing for intersection scenario in Griesheim

repository for ADP 151/20 standard-readme compliant](https://github.com/RichardLitt/standard-readme)

Table of Contents


Institute of Automotive Engineering (FZD) is working on the development of autonomous driving. As part of the aDDa 4 Students (Automated Driving Darmstadt for Students) initiative, students should work together on an autonomous vehicle with nine other TU Darmstadt departments. A behavior planner or trajectory planner is an essential part of autonomous driving. This planner should also be implemented in the Project "Verification Validation Methods," demonstrating the data reduction method.

A behavior planner makes decisions such as lane changes, overtaking, etc., on a high level of the autonomous vehicle's software architecture. This module defines a consistent set of rules that are evaluated to select optimal behavior. The possible paths and speed profiles examined at a lower level in trajectory planning are thus restricted. The ADP aims to develop a planner specifically for urban intersection scenarios. Ultimately, the planner should work in the simulation in the urban scenarios without any problems.

In detail, the following work steps must be carried out:

  • Research on the state of the art for the behavior / trajectory planner.
  • Definition of the requirements for the planner for intersection scenarios.
  • Development of the planner based on the requirements.
  • Structure of the simulation using e.g. Carla, CarMaker, etc. and implementation of the selected method in ROS.
  • Evaluation and comparison of the methods in different scenarios.
  • Documentation.



This repository depends on Ubuntu, ROS, Eigen (a third-party library in CPP) and some python libraries (convert msg topic to MATLAB executable data file, not necessary).

1. Ubuntu

Since ROS and CarMaker need to run under the ubuntu operating system, this project must be loaded with the Ubuntu 18.04 system. Two options are provided below:

1.1 Dual-system with ISO file

Download the 18.04 LTS version of Ubuntu, for desktop PCs and laptops: -Ubuntu 18.04 LTS -Create a bootable USB stick on Ubuntu -Install Ubuntu desktop

1.2 Subsystem in Windows environment

Install a complete Ubuntu terminal environment in minutes on Windows 10 with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Access the Linux terminal on Windows, develop cross-platform applications, and manage IT infrastructure without leaving Windows. -Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Windows-subsystem

X410 is an X Window server for Windows 10. When you want to use X Window GUI apps on remote servers, simply run X410 and connect to your server via SSH with X11 forwarding. Once connected, just launch your GUI app from the command prompt; it'll pop up and ready for you on Windows 10! -X410 -Using X410 with WSL2

2. ROS

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. From drivers to state-of-the-art algorithms, and with powerful developer tools, ROS has what you need for your next robotics project. And it's all open source. -ROS melodic

3. Eigen (a third-party library in CPP)

In this project, trajectory planner depends on an open source matrix calculation library Eigen, which provides various interfaces for solving matrix operations. Moreover, Eigen is libraries designed for cross platform(Win/Mac OS/Linux). It can be downloaded from the following link: -Eigen

Eigen consists only of header files, hence there is nothing to compile before using them.

Installing using CMake: Let's call this directory source_dir(where this INSTALL file is). Before starting, create another directory which we will call build_dir.


cd build_dir
cmake source_dir
make install

The "make install" step may require administrator privileges root. You can adjust the installation destination (the "prefix") by passing the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=myprefix option to cmake, as is explained in the message that cmake prints at the end.

If you want to use find_Package in CMakeLists .txt for ROS node compiling by yourself, to include these header files automatically,after installation, please check whether the Eigen is correctly installed. -> check the path to FindEigen3.cmake and create a blank CMakeLists.txt with text below and run this file with cmake .

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)

when the eigen3 is correctly installed, in the terminal, flag 1 will be printed out.

4. Python3 libraries and dependency check (not necessary)

where Python3 is needed :

  • convert the message topic into a mat file for following processing in MATLAB.
  • use MapParser in python to generate discrete points list in format of txt or csv, from mapfile Griesheim.xodr.

If you are using pip for the package management, please check whether you have installed pkg below:

  • regex
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • beautifulsoup4

Or jsut use command below to install them automatically.

pip install regex beautifulsoup4 numpy matplotlib

If you are using conda for the package management, similar to upper, check the package installation.

conda install regex numpy matplotlib beautifulsoup4

It is highly recommend to create new vitural env for this project, avoid version conflict or unknown errors. For pip users pyenv is user-freiendly and lightweight; for conda users, conda iteself does good for it, like conda create -n FSM


The following section briefly describes the specific steps to start each node. All command line operations are executed in terminal, which can be opened through ctrl + alt + T and ctrl + shift + T.

1. CarMaker Preparation

  • Run roscore firstly

  • Open CarMaker 8.1 with root

  • Choose the TestRun project (operation in top menu bar)

    • click File -> Open -> click Project (side menu bar) -> Griesheim_sim_xxxx
  • Choose the suitable scenario environment (operation in top menu bar)

    • click Parameters -> Scenario / Road -> click Load Road file (side menu bar) -> Griesheim_v06_xxxx
  • Choose the API Server (operation in top menu bar) based on Open loop or Closed loop

    • Open loop test:
      • click Application -> Configuration/Status -> command -> select Car_CMake -> click Start & Connect
    • Closed loop test:
      • click Application -> Configuration/Status -> command -> select Car_CMake_new -> click Start & Connect
  • Now go back to termianl and Do the ROS Node Activation

2. ROS Node Activation

In this project, we provide different launch files to activate the nodes uniformly. Please note that you only need to perform one of the 2.1 operations as required.

2.1 (a) Open loop Test

Here involves only command line operations executed in terminal.


roslaunch cross_fsm cross_fsm.launch


roslaunch straight_fsm straight_fsm_node.launch

2.1 (b) Closed loop Test

Here involves only command line operations executed in terminal.


roslaunch trajectoryPlanner trajectory_planner.launch

2.2 Run Simulation

  • go back CarMaker TestRun GUI
    • click the green button Start -> Simulation runs


1.MaP Introduciton in Griesheim Test Field

The picture below shows the basic road connection in Griesheim.


Griesheim test field contains 24 road segmentions and three junctions in total.

Road ID 1~6 : out of juncitons, each road contains two lanes.

Road ID 7~24 : inside juncitons, each road contains only one lane.

Junction 1

The picture and table below will show the concrete road connection relationship inside Junciton 1..


Road ID linking from Road ID linking to Road ID
Road 19 Road 6 Road 5
Road 24 Road 5 Road 6
Road 20 Road 5 Road 3
Road 21 Road 3 Road 5
Road 22 Road 3 Road 6
Road 23 Road 6 Road 3

Junction 2

The picture and table below will show the concrete road connection relationship inside Junciton 2.


Road ID linking from Road ID linking to Road ID
Road 13 Road 4 Road 5
Road 18 Road 5 Road 4
Road 14 Road 4 Road 2
Road 15 Road 2 Road 4
Road 16 Road 2 Road 5
Road 17 Road 5 Road 2

Junction 3

The picture and table below will show the concrete road connection relationship inside Junciton 3.


Road ID linking from Road ID linking to Road ID
Road 7 Road 1 Road 6
Road 12 Road 6 Road 1
Road 8 Road 1 Road 4
Road 9 Road 4 Road 1
Road 10 Road 4 Road 6
Road 11 Road 6 Road 4


  • after download the repository please change the map file path (here is a absolute path), otherwise the core will dump!!

open intersection/trajectoryPlanner/src/main.cpp Change line 28 and line 29 as:

std::ifstream infile("/[your workspace path]/src/trajectoryPlanner/path_file/interval40cm_right.txt");
std::ifstream infile("/[your workspace path]/src/trajectoryPlanner/path_file/interval40cm_straight.txt");
  • if you want to change the road marker visualization in Rviz

open intersection/waypoint_loader/launch/waypoint_loader.launch Change line 4as:

<arg name="mapFileName" default="$(find waypoint_loader)/cfig/[your road marker csv file]" />
  • msgs under vaafo_msg has been modified, it can not use for old rosbag